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Search results

  1. Aaron German

    Help - Looking for a receiver - I don't know anything anymore

    Sad, but true. At least it's good for the economy.
  2. Aaron German

    Help - Looking for a receiver - I don't know anything anymore

    Given the features I want and the selection available on accessories4less, I've narrowed it down to the Marantz SR 6009, and either the Yamaha RX-A1030 or RX-A1040. The Yamahas allow for bi-amping of the fronts. This is too tempting. I may have to bring my Paradigm Studio 20s out of the...
  3. Aaron German

    Help - Looking for a receiver - I don't know anything anymore

    Looks like some of these newfangled receivers allow for a bi-amping option for the front speakers. Maybe I can kind of have separates.
  4. Aaron German

    Help - Looking for a receiver - I don't know anything anymore

    Haha. Food doesn't grow itself. At least not yet. Having done a bit of looking around, it looks like the newer receivers have some nice features, like built in decoders for FLAC and other lossless formats. That and the fact that I have a computer in the listening room now might just...
  5. Aaron German

    Help - Looking for a receiver - I don't know anything anymore

    Hey all, I haven't been around here for a long, long time. After I reached the financial limits of my audio system, my interests just kind of wandered elsewhere. And I started farming, which didn't leave me much free time. Nor did it help the pocket book. But now my Marantz SR 7400, bought...
  6. Aaron German

    Joe Bonamassa

  7. Aaron German

    SMiLe - the real one - is Finally being released

    BW's "Smile" is great. But it sure will be nice to hear the bro's singing together (and even cousin Mike too). My guess is that the SQ will be improved over the various bootleg versions. If not, I'll be a bit disappointed. I wonder if the sequencing will follow BW's "Smile" exactly. I'm...
  8. Aaron German

    What's wrong with my RTA system?

    Haven't had this happen to me. I'm sure you've tried this, but the only fix I really know for these kind of things is: restart the computer.
  9. Aaron German

    Tom Dowd

    Just put it in the queue. Too bad it's not streaming.
  10. Aaron German

    My Studio 20's

    I used to have similar speaker stands. I kind of miss them. I loved my 20s. But they weren't as sexy lookin' as yours. Congrats.
  11. Aaron German

    sub trap

    Who needs family when you've got a good sound system? I think Mr. T needs to get his priorities straight. Audio first. And if there's any time left over when daddy's done listening, the girls get a turn to listen too. :idea:
  12. Aaron German

    Super Chuck Corner Wedge

    I got my OC 703 from Specialty Products and Insulation. Here's a list of their locations: http://www.spi-co.com/directory.html You'll notice that only some stores on the list are noted as selling insulation. I'm not sure I'd pay too much attention to this, as the store I bough mine at does...
  13. Aaron German

    sub trap

    No. But at lest you have the excuse of having multiple projects your working on. On the other hand, these traps serve their purpose. So, one might say they are done. But speakers and x-overs that are not finished being built cannot serve their purpose. Looks like I did finish these projects...
  14. Aaron German

    sub trap

    The sad thing is that I have still not finished this project. I've had stacks of trash bags in my room for well over a year now.
  15. Aaron German

    sub trap

    I have not put any good research into this, but I figure the worst thing would be that some of the higher frequencies would be reflected off the plastic. But they would have been reflected off the wall anyhow. My understanding is that the low frequencies will go right through the plastic. My...
  16. Aaron German

    sub trap

    Here's my trash bag traps. OC 703 cut into triangles, about 5 triangles per bag (I think). Sorry the second one is so blurry. The camera was drunk that day.
  17. Aaron German

    Bringing Back Dynamic Range - Turn Me Up!

    It's good to educate people about hearing loss. I think learning some facts helps to motivate hearing protection. What I have also found helps is buying my friends hi-fi earplugs. I got a pair of Etymnotic Research hi-fi plugs, and I have loved them from day two. The friends I buy the...
  18. Aaron German

    Bringing Back Dynamic Range - Turn Me Up!

    I haven't listened yet, but I have been tempted to. I want to buy a physical copy and want to wait to listen until I have that (for some insane reason that I am not aware of (or, perhaps, for no reason at all)).. I may buy the vinyl version and then download the FLAC (assuming they give you a...
  19. Aaron German

    Bringing Back Dynamic Range - Turn Me Up!

    This issue is sort of addressed on their site. They say that they are trying to define "a level of dynamics that is considerably more dynamic than today's aggressively limited records, but not so quiet it wouldn't be an option for contemporary artists." They are "currently considering a level...
  20. Aaron German

    Bringing Back Dynamic Range - Turn Me Up!

    I thought I'd let you know that I was lead to this site via an email Vialka sent out.