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Search results

  1. G

    Power usage of large LED displays

    Thanks. My last gen Kuros are still going strong, but they are space heaters.
  2. G

    Ripole Subs

    Each stackable unit is 10.75" W x 15" H x 15" D. 30" high stacked. Could be slightly shorter if made as a single dual unit. 4 x 12" drivers. The ID on both sides are the diameter of the driver's mounting hole (@ 11.1" diameter). The slot height front and back are the same. The bezels are...
  3. G

    Ripole Subs

    Couple more picts: Verify stave angle against miter gauge. and digital angle gauge: Dry fit before splines: Glue up with splines and mill:
  4. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    When I went through school, my HS didn't have a computer. Home PCs were not yet a ubiquitous thing. College computer courses were geared towards accounting/business (2,000 card pickup and JCL queues), languages and manufacturing/machine control. Not much in the way of mathematical modeling or...
  5. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    If I better understood the real world applications/potential of DSP in college, I would have majored in math and then some.
  6. G

    Power usage of large LED displays

    Has anyone ever put a Kill-o-Watt meter on a new large LED panels ? I can never get a straight answer from sellers about their power consumption. They always point at the yellow sticker which does not give actual watt usage [range]. The yellow stickers use utility rates not indicative of...
  7. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    @PaulyT , FWIW, here is a simplified look at DSP via FFTs and iFFTs. Please forgive me if this is common knowledge and others feel free to correct my errors. Sound/Music is a summation of an infinite amount of individual frequency bands. Each frequency band has a phase and a frequency range...
  8. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    I am an extremely talented artisan and musician. I genetically inherited from my father's side of the family. He always boasted he could draw flies and play the radio !!! My genetics mutated to include playing the stereo and TeeVee. :bouncygrin: Just to be clear, the artisan and muscisian...
  9. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    Whether or not you have an aversion towards ASR's measurements, they give you a ballpark understanding of what you are dealing with from one component category to the next. As an engineer, that should be of value to you or anyone in the hobby. FWIW, I have no ADCs and have room treatments...
  10. G

    Winter/Summer project

    Used it to adjust the cooling solution on one of my PCs. Replaced the stock CPU cooler so there is better cross-flow across the memory sticks and PS caps.
  11. G

    Winter/Summer project

    Wrote a thermal camera app over year end and have been using it to identify and fix thermal problems around the house. These 2 pictures are of a hallway with a solar tube skylight in the middle (round ring). The thermal images were taken 2 days in a row at the same time of day with same...
  12. G

    Ripole Subs

    DIY Stacked Ripole subs. Turning this: into this (stave/spline): into this: into this (FIR XOs):
  13. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    My vinyl went away a long time ago after putting all my music on tap. In contrast, here is the noise floor of a 64-bit XO.
  14. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    I started out with passive XOs. Then analog active. Then digital active. Then sold the active XOs and went DAC-2-amp-2-driver as tech progressed controlling XO, DSP/DRC in a single location.
  15. G

    Tutorial: Bi-Wire, Passive Bi-Amp, Active Bi-Amp

    Anyone using multi-channel DACs and software XO's to multi-amp their speakers ?