I look at it this way. I'm still going to buy the ones I actually like when they come out of Blu-Ray and I'm still going to go to the theater to see the ones I'm really dying to see. This is just a great way of checking out those in-between movies that you want to see, but wouldn't go to the trouble of going to the theater for. If they are meh, then I won't waste money on them. If they are keepers, I'll want them on Blu-Ray for the superior quality (and because I do believe in paying for content). I don't feel especially bad about it considering that I own over a thousand movies on disc and subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Hulu Plus, Crunchyroll and Drama Fever. That's not counting cable or the number of movies I've bought twice (DVD and Blu-Ray). Hollywood gets more than their pound of flesh from me.