This afternoon I measured the bass dynamics performance of these speakers in the room, both together, at 0.2W, 2W, 20W, and 200W (I had to use a different amp to get the 200W measurement).
As you can see, the frequency response shows little to no dynamic compression in this condition. This is the result of 1) using an extremely good and larger than typical 2-way woofer, 2) designing a transiently ideal enclosure (volume and tuning), 3) building the enclosure with almost no losses, and, 4) placing them in a good location in a room.
This is not a common outcome, because there are lots of trade-offs in things like cost, time spend in the shop building such a seriously braced speaker, and building multiple prototype boxes to ensure ideal loading.
Now, if I could only find a better application for them than sitting in my drum room where I mostly use them to play songs I am learning on Guitar or Drums, or because my office is adjacent, listening to background music or the radio while working.
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