I've whined before about being able to get OTA TV years ago, and then ten years or so ago, one by one the channels started going out, and I ended up having to go to Dish, and then paid YouTubeTV, just to get the local channels.
I got an email from my Credit Union Friday morning, they had some suspect purchases on my CC, and yeah I did not make a walmart purchase in Georgia for $200-something dollars. They zapped my CC, and said I'd be getting a new one in 7-10 days. Got an email Friday afternoon from YTTV, my CC had been rejected; I replied back, told the story, said I'd have the new CC in 7-10 days, could they float me until then? At noon today I lost YTTV, so I guess No Floating.
On a whim I turned off the Apple TV, and set my TV input to the old antenna, and... I'm getting ALL OTA channels now, clear as a bell!!
Now I had to know, so I called a coworker at HAFB who told over my MILCON job when I retired, and asked about the F-22 Radar Test facility, which was a 10-story yuge building that was lined on the inside with RAM (radar-absorbing material) cones, and that building was almost dead-in-between my roof antenna, and the broadcast antennas across the lake on the top of the Oquirrh Mountains. I asked him if it was still in use; the building was repurposed and all the RAM material taken off the walls; that's why I have OTA signal again!
Now, I have a decision to make. My favorite feature with YouTubeTV is its unlimited DVR; I record my news shows and then start watching them after they're mostly broadcast (ie start watching the 6 o'clock news at 6:30) so that I can skip over the commercials "Siri, skip ahead 4 minutes"; I despise commercials, especially during an election year, and YTTV allows me to do that. But is that worth $75 a month? I dunno, but I have 7-10, er, 6-9 days to think about it. I'm also discovering some "Google TV" channels that appear on my TV, they must be streaming directly into the smart portion of my TV, will see what's all there.
I'm still amazed that that test facility was able to cancel out my OTA signal, but its gone now.

I got an email from my Credit Union Friday morning, they had some suspect purchases on my CC, and yeah I did not make a walmart purchase in Georgia for $200-something dollars. They zapped my CC, and said I'd be getting a new one in 7-10 days. Got an email Friday afternoon from YTTV, my CC had been rejected; I replied back, told the story, said I'd have the new CC in 7-10 days, could they float me until then? At noon today I lost YTTV, so I guess No Floating.
On a whim I turned off the Apple TV, and set my TV input to the old antenna, and... I'm getting ALL OTA channels now, clear as a bell!!
Now I had to know, so I called a coworker at HAFB who told over my MILCON job when I retired, and asked about the F-22 Radar Test facility, which was a 10-story yuge building that was lined on the inside with RAM (radar-absorbing material) cones, and that building was almost dead-in-between my roof antenna, and the broadcast antennas across the lake on the top of the Oquirrh Mountains. I asked him if it was still in use; the building was repurposed and all the RAM material taken off the walls; that's why I have OTA signal again!
Now, I have a decision to make. My favorite feature with YouTubeTV is its unlimited DVR; I record my news shows and then start watching them after they're mostly broadcast (ie start watching the 6 o'clock news at 6:30) so that I can skip over the commercials "Siri, skip ahead 4 minutes"; I despise commercials, especially during an election year, and YTTV allows me to do that. But is that worth $75 a month? I dunno, but I have 7-10, er, 6-9 days to think about it. I'm also discovering some "Google TV" channels that appear on my TV, they must be streaming directly into the smart portion of my TV, will see what's all there.
I'm still amazed that that test facility was able to cancel out my OTA signal, but its gone now.