Bob R
Active Member
Rope said:[I've got two or three adapters laying around, Bob. You're certainly welcome to them.
Your concern regarding the upconversion from 720p to 1080i is unfounded, since the display's scaler will take care of that duty, and only three channels are broadcast in 720p, ABC, Fox, and ESPN.
My Mits manual is pretty explicit in that it is a 1080i device and the program source must convert from 720P. Besides, no ESPN?, No Fox?
What do you think I'm going to do with this system? Oh, yeah - listen to the radio. :banana-dance:
Update: clicked the button last night and according to Amazon, the N708 has already shipped. Due 3/15
My other three Studio 20's are in and I'll pick them up tomorrow. :music-rockout:
Stands are now pushed out to April 5th. :angry-cussingblack:
I'll let heeman lead the way with calibration.