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Backup vs. Piracy


Well-Known Member
Staff member
In an effort to backup my investment in media as well as make it possible to stream digital content in my own home, I have ripped all of my music. I have only ripped a handful of DVDs and no blurays because that process is labor intensive and time consuming. I am desperately seeking a faster/easier way to do this. I've found a way but I don't think it's exactly legal.

If a friend has the wherewithal to make a digital copy of a movie that we both I own, would you consider it "piracy" to make use of the copy?
I wouldn't. If you paid for it once, you should be able to make unlimited copies, for your own use.

There was a system, I can't remember its name, wherein once you "bought" a song, album, or movie, it was yours no matter what new formats come out in the future. I liked the idea, and most purveyors signed into it (Apple of course didn't) but I havent' heard much about it in the last few months...
Actually, you only own a license for the content on the disc you purchased. You are entitled to use the content of that disc for yourselve on your own property however you like, as long as you are not sharing it with people outside of your family or making money off it. Legally, taking content from someone else is not allowed, you have to manipulate your own content.

That said, if you are busted they will want proof you own the content, so it is unlikely you will go to jail, but you might have to pay for a lawyer.
Who on earth is going to "bust him"?

As long as you're not selling it somewhere don't sweat it.
I know the law but I want to know your opinions about whether it's morally okay to circumvent copy protection of media you own for personal use.
What you do with your own property for your own use, as long as it doesn't affect anyone outside of your immediate family, is fair use. The issues usually lie in obtaining or providing the tools to perform the circumvention of compy-protections. The government typically doesn't allow such capabilities be sold, shared, or purchased.
Razz said:
Who on earth is going to "bust him"?

As long as you're not selling it somewhere don't sweat it.


Towen if it is a disc you have purchased, then do what you want with it. Doesn't matter if you copy at your house or someone else's. As long as you're not selling, you're good to go.
This discussion is kinda like those we could have about stop signs (do you have to be stationary for three full seconds even when there is clearly nobody else on the road?) or the speed limit (no cop will stop you for driving 4 miles per hour above the speed limit.).

Just know the facts and take ownership of your actions. Legally it can be a minefield.