Huey said:
Flint said:
What did the ISPs do, specifically?
Throttling their internet service maybe? Which brings up a point, we start talking about how unfair it is to share something like our Netflix accounts, but weren't they kind of doing the something similar when they were throttling the heavy users of their dvd/bluray rentals? There was never anything in the fine print when they were doing that, that said you were limited on your rentals.
There has never been any evidence of internet throttling by traditional ISPs ever.
There was a moment where that claim was made, but an SEC investigation proved it never happened and the cause of the slower performance was a network overload and ALL traffic slowed, not a specific type of traffic.
This is what I am talking about, there is this impression that horrible things have been happening already requiring regulation, but nothing has ever been seen to show the ISPs are punishing one content provider over another.