yromj said:
the validity of timbre matching speakers on this forum (for very solid reasons BTW)
Certainly a logical viewpoint and desirable, but not essential IMO. Matched surround speakers will not sound the same anyway due to the locations in the room not being acoustically the same as the front speakers. I'd guess that any speaker of a comparable quality and
similar voicing (bright, warm, whatever) would be difficult to distinguish from the fronts, especially given the content of surround signals in movies. Without a slow pan of constant unchanging sound from speaker to speaker, how would you ever notice a small voice difference? And how often does that happen in a movie?
To put it another way, if you stand at one end of a room and listen to the voice of a person next to you as he walks to the other end of the room, doesn't the sound change a little? Again, a difference in the acoustical characteristics of the room. In the real world, isn't it natural for the sound to change gradually as a car drives past you or a plane flies over head? And when HT sound moves from surround speakers to the front, isn't it a gradual changing blend as one speaker gets louder and the other softer?
This would be an interesting experiment. Much more interesting that A/B blind testing of amps.