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War Never Changes

Ive been playing it a bit... love trevor, love micheal, they couldve improved franklins character tho a bit more.

Been hunting a LOT in this game. screw mountain lions. i need more game to hunt tho.

Radio stations a bit subpar... you can only listen to glamorous so many times.
I think it's a great big, very immersive game. Lots of stuff to see and do. I love the characters as well, but why don't I find this game fun. Finishing the missions almost seem like work. I think Saint's Row has spoiled me to this genre of games.
I'm having fun with it too. The one thing I miss is the ability to find weapons and armor around the map. While that's mostly offset by retaining guns you buy, the armor goes bye-bye really quickly.

I agree that the playlists on the radio stations are pretty slim; just nowhere near as broad as in IV. I'd rather have a half dozen with more tunes than six urban hip hop flavors.
I will say the strip clubs are nice! Who doesn't like making it rain down on a stripper, and then taking them home and banging them. :eusa-clap:
i still am stuck on the idea that vice city is more immersive than this one. this is definitely a huge upgrade, but i grew up in vice city i guess, and that makes it more nostalgic.

problem is, playing vice city on a ps3 feels akward. :happy-smileygiantred:
Anybody do the side mission with Michael finding pieces of a sub for the widow? What a let down, although maybe there was another option had I night put a bullet in her when she gave me only $10 after spending an hour finding all of the pieces.

I love the story with this one, but it seems like most of the time is spent driving to other points of interest, and I'm having trouble really enjoying it. Plus, you die really, really easy. Not very much fun starting a gun fight with the police.
Yeah, Huey, I'm also miffed at how quickly one can get dead... seems that enemy bullets do way more damage (as a percentage of the whole) than in the past and things like armor don't last like they used to. Tack on the fact that you can't just grab armor lying on the street and silly mayhem gets in-game expensive FAST.

Sure, the expanded economy is interesting, but I'm not sure it is worth making me think "Do I really want to pop this guy... I'm going to lose a bunch of cash from the resulting mayhem if I do." To me, that reduces the fun level of GTA. It's definitely better than IV and I love the map, but ultimately I'm with Jomari- it just isn't as much fun as VC was.
probably why i stuck with the main mission line, and a few side jobs.

primarily, i love the detail they put on this, but as mentioned earlier, you die easier, and its hit or miss when escaping from the cops. The chopper really throws it towards the cops a bit too much. Altho, they cant spot you when hiding behind a wall even in peak daylight.

Ive started playing more AC BF and kinda lost interest, but will do so when i get back soon.

Glad to see your opinions on it tho akula.
I've found the only REALLY reliable option for running from the cops is to make use of the rail lines/tunnels in the eastern part of Los Santos. I can dodge most things if I can get down there- the cops usually haven't followed me and the chopper can't see me.

Between the choppers and the REALLY long time for wanted stars to go away, if you're out in the open it's well nigh impossible to lose the cops. Sometimes I'll feel like the wanted levels are about to disappear when one of the cops gets a glimpse and it's all on again.
Akula said:
I've found the only REALLY reliable option for running from the cops is to make use of the rail lines/tunnels in the eastern part of Los Santos. I can dodge most things if I can get down there- the cops usually haven't followed me and the chopper can't see me.

Between the choppers and the REALLY long time for wanted stars to go away, if you're out in the open it's well nigh impossible to lose the cops. Sometimes I'll feel like the wanted levels are about to disappear when one of the cops gets a glimpse and it's all on again.

yup, this is probably the only area i do some mayhem, mostly in the er... intersection of most of the highways, so i can hide underneath, and pretty much dodge traffic crossing roads.

one thing i really am pissed about is the radio, i really wish they update it man. its just lame compared to older GTA's.

G... L.... A.....M....

yup. even the country radio station sucked.
You mention armor and guns Akula, one of the funny things about doing the side quest for the sub parts was, that scattered around on the ocean floor are guns and armor, just where you need them. lol It made it that much more difficult finding the parts when there was more than one thing flashing on the ocean floor. Oh, and I came across a couple of sharks that showed red on the radar, so I'm assuming they can eat you. I did get my jugular ripped open by a mountain lion, so I might just go back to see what the sharks can do.

Yeah, dying happens way too easy in the game. One of the fun aspects of Saints Row, was the ability to start fights with the cops and then run into forgive and forget. No such fun with this one. Again, I love the story line and characters, but I'm just not getting a lot of enjoyment from playing this game. I'm probably going to pick up the new Saints Row when it comes down in price and compare.
I like playing as Trevor, his missions are over the top. Michael can be fun also. I haven't played it in awhile I need to jump back on it.
just a heads up, its on sale right now on amazon for the ps4 and I think xone for 39.99...
finally finished the game, didn't get a platinum, but I don't care much about that anyways.

there are three endings you can do, and just stuck with what I believed in. it was a great nightcap, and definitely worth the experience. I will miss los santos, but will definitely be coming back to it.

Its currently out on PC now, sent out on 7 dvds I think. eats about 50g for those interested.
jomari said:
finally finished the game, didn't get a platinum, but I don't care much about that anyways.

there are three endings you can do, and just stuck with what I believed in. it was a great nightcap, and definitely worth the experience. I will miss los santos, but will definitely be coming back to it.

Its currently out on PC now, sent out on 7 dvds I think. eats about 50g for those interested.

I played about half way through on the xbox when it first came out, and for whatever reason, I stopped playing it. My wife bought me a xbox one for Christmas with this game, but I just couldn't find the spirit to everything over again. I will say that the graphics on the xbox one compared to the original, are fantastic. The strippers have never looked better. :eek:bscene-buttred:
Huey said:
jomari said:
finally finished the game, didn't get a platinum, but I don't care much about that anyways.

there are three endings you can do, and just stuck with what I believed in. it was a great nightcap, and definitely worth the experience. I will miss los santos, but will definitely be coming back to it.

Its currently out on PC now, sent out on 7 dvds I think. eats about 50g for those interested.

I played about half way through on the xbox when it first came out, and for whatever reason, I stopped playing it. My wife bought me a xbox one for Christmas with this game, but I just couldn't find the spirit to everything over again. I will say that the graphics on the xbox one compared to the original, are fantastic. The strippers have never looked better. :eek:bscene-buttred:

that's one thing I will surely miss on this game. I recalled looking at the graphics comparisons done online, and it shows pretty well what the textures and feel of the city looked like. it was impressive enough on my ps3, and it doubled that effect into the next gen.

the small nuances also made a huge difference, the car tick tick ticking when the engine stops running. the car doesn't start at times, small sand noise, deer, etc. a lot of dedication to make this game 'breathe'.

I also recently watched the short story of red dead redemption, and recalled how beautiful that game was too. another rockstar game that shows its finesse and details. I wish it comes out remastered for the ps4 and/or one, but would love to see a sequel or something similar. apparently it is in the works.
Randy said:

so true! at times id see people on the road, acting like idiots, I end up daydreaming about how nice it would be seeing things I did in GTA happen in real life.

I did wish the radio stations were better tho...
LOL Randy!

Yes, the game does do a great job at making it seem very real. It just got boring, at least for me at times.