..of 3D. After seeing piranha last weekend in 2D, and figuring it would look awesome in 3D, I purchased the adapter and 4 sets of dlp link glasses. They really are making it more confusing than what it needs to be, as I wasn't sure what I needed to buy. Turns out, I only need the adapter, 100 bones, and dlp glasses, rather than the starter kit which runs around 400 dollars, which is about what i paid and have 2 extra glasses.
I'm hoping that my receiver will allow the pass through of the signal, but there is no guarantee. I've also see Walmart is selling the 3d movies now, so I figure it is here to stay. Now if Netflix would add 3d movies, I would be all set.
Rob :handgestures-thumbup:
I'm hoping that my receiver will allow the pass through of the signal, but there is no guarantee. I've also see Walmart is selling the 3d movies now, so I figure it is here to stay. Now if Netflix would add 3d movies, I would be all set.
Rob :handgestures-thumbup: