And most importantly ...
Nobody is taking the movie away from anyone. To use your book analogy, they're just choosing to read the book and thumb past the pages they don't like. They aren't asking YOU to.
Make the argument about artistic integrity all you want but I'm not buying it. This is 100% about you wanting to restrict people's freedom based solely on their religious beliefs. You're still but-hurt because you couldn't watch porn back in the day. News flash ... your side won. I bet you've watched more porn this week than that store would have sold in a month. You make your real feelings clear when you say that you'd prefer that the people offended by a book choose to not have their kids read it and not make the school stop teaching from it. Well, That's exactly what this company is doing for "those people". They are helping them not see the material they may find offensive. Not taking it out of the library. So ... "those people" do exactly what you ask and your still not happy.
Your words betray your real feelings.
Nobody is taking the movie away from anyone. To use your book analogy, they're just choosing to read the book and thumb past the pages they don't like. They aren't asking YOU to.
Make the argument about artistic integrity all you want but I'm not buying it. This is 100% about you wanting to restrict people's freedom based solely on their religious beliefs. You're still but-hurt because you couldn't watch porn back in the day. News flash ... your side won. I bet you've watched more porn this week than that store would have sold in a month. You make your real feelings clear when you say that you'd prefer that the people offended by a book choose to not have their kids read it and not make the school stop teaching from it. Well, That's exactly what this company is doing for "those people". They are helping them not see the material they may find offensive. Not taking it out of the library. So ... "those people" do exactly what you ask and your still not happy.
Your words betray your real feelings.