Color me stupid.
I'm mostly happy with the built-in streamer (runs Googlez TV) and getting my content from Ewetube streaming service, but the "cloud DVR" function is always wonky, sometimes it would come up, most of the time it wouldn't.
I finally saw it tonight: I have
two EweTube apps, one is just called "EweTube" and the other, "EweTube TV"!
d'Oh!! When I clicked on the latter, the DVR/library function comes right up,
that's what was giving me the hangup! I had been looking for any "pre-Black-Friday" sales on an Apple TV unit these last two days, but last-gen and refurbished units were going for MORE than a brand-new, current one on Apple's website. Glad I didn't purchase anything, looks like what is built-in to my Bravia will now work just fine. Uff-dah.