Already having an iPhone and an iTunes account and all my music stored there, I purchased my first AppleTV to replace a brand new Squeezbox Classic and the (new at the time) Duet remote. I fired those up flawlessly the first time I set them up. But the duet would unpair from the Squeezbox frequently and I was also having a fair amount of issues with the Squeezbox playing files from my Netgear NAS. After giving up, the AppleTV made too much sense. It was 1/2 the price of the Squeezbox and the "Remote" app from the AppStore was free and did everything I wanted and more (Control over AppleTV, album art, etc.). All the extras included on the AppleTV was a bonus and over the last 4-5 years I've been using most of the features more and more. With cord-cutting becoming more of a seriously viable option for me, the evolution of the AppleTV would play right into my environment. The TiVo, if I keep it, will bridge that gap, assuming AppleTV will eventually add some sort of subscription based service. Beyond that, I look forward to full-on inter-connectivity of all these idevices and what the future holds over the next 2-3 years and longer term, including car-play.