I get a lot of Black Sabbath from them... heavy on the fuzz.
Monolord/Empress Rising
Just checked it out love it. Sabbath sludge metal rules. Thanks for the heads up.
Just checked it out love it. Sabbath sludge metal rules. Thanks for the heads up.
When I was a kid my mom used to say Judas Priest when she didn't want to say JC.
Been going through some Heavy Metal Prog Rock lately
Mastodon/Emperor of Sand
Baroness/Yellow & Green
Oh I dunno, only listened to it in the car. I'll spin it up in the HT sometime soon.How is the recording on this one??
My brother-in-law is a huge Mastodon fan and just introduced me to them. I can already tell that they are going to be in heavy rotation on my playlist.