The word that comes to mind is "iteration."
I think it's a safe bet that every one of us, for just about any facet of our systems, have iterated to wherever we are now, and hopefully to the solution that we set out to achieve. None of us have likely ever had a stochastic, first of, event that led us to the final solution.
With that in mind, while Zing's OP question is a good one to noodle over, in real world terms, the answer matters not a wit, since we'll almost certainly iterate from there anyhow.
Of course noodling the question might, perhaps just maybe, save us an iterative step, or two, but we'll still iterate.
And my guess is that there is a non-linear relationship of some kind between the number of components in play and the number of iterations to "the" solution.
Heck, taking only "speakers" Heeman is on how many iterations? And we've all bet that he's got at least one more iteration to go (and my money's on two.)
So with two components, an amp and a pre/pro, (and I realize we could be talking about multiple amps depending on the number of desired channels etc.) my bet would be that no matter what components are initially chosen, within a not-very-long period of time they'll likely be either changed or added to. I think that things will stabilize first around the amp, for all of the reasons so aptly enunciated so far, and that no real "final" solution will succumb to the iterative method simply because it will be features, and not SQ, that will drive the need for change.
Now throw speakers, amp and pre/pro into the mix together (for reasons also already pointed out) and all bets are off in terms of likely number of iterations required.
One other word that comes to mind is "disposability." It's harder to part with a $5k pair of speakers than a $1k pair. A $1500 amp might have a longer dwell time than a $500 one. A lot of today's pre/pros are getting close to disposable price points. Blu-ray players (especially if all you want is to extract ones and zeroes and send them to a pre/pro via HDMI) became disposable objects quite a while ago. Disposable items generally require less forethought before purchase since, if you did not think things through properly, you can just dispose of the first purchase and replace it with another.