im glad that paulys got into it.
personally, this would be a great starting game to have the wifey or significant other to learn or enjoy playing on the ps3 or xbox.
i am big on rpg games. i love it to a certain degree i can handle bugs. this one has none since ive played on it. to clarify, ive played both single and co-op but both OFFLINE.
anyways, ive always loved mordecai (that is his proper name folks. :happy-smileygiantred: ), wait until you hit the DLC's.
its a f*ckin pain in the butt if you dont rank up, but id suggest hittin the zombie area first, then fort knoxx then er... i forgot.
on a sidenote, ive enjoyed playing dead island.
Yes, dead island.
'oh its full of bugs'
'day one patch'
'all my saves are gone what the f*ckin hell!?!@?!'
all true.
but if you did a little research, you would LOVE this game.
not only is it more realistic, i love how fuckin huge this thing its.
im still in act 2, but love it.
now remember girls, in order to 'keep' your save data.
1. play offline. (log off PSN)
2. remove patch if you got one.
3. always hit the Play button and pick character to continue
to SAVE game,
1. hit pause
2. go to options
3. change fight style from digital to analog
4. observe biohazard sign on upper right corner.
its repetitive at times, but hey, its a fuckin rpg. if you dont know your going to play errand boy, find me one, ONE game that doesnt do this.
anyways, enjoy borderlands, and for those who arent in the know,
borderlands 2 is coming out 2012