yromj said:
What do you guys do w/ your wine, whiskey, and whisky corks? I've saved most of mine over the past couple of years thinking that I would find something to do w/ them in my next room. An idea is starting to form, but I'll need some more. If you don't keep them for your own uses, and have some place you can easily keep them, I would appreciate them.
I've got about 2 cu. ft. of them. I intend to bandsaw them all in half the long way (so I have half-cylinders, or split mushroom cap/stems in the case of the champagne corks) then hot-glue them onto the door to my wine cellar in an interesting pattern. I'd like to make a large "B" in the center with the champagne corks and then fill in the background with the rectangular wine corks, but I doubt I have enough champagne corks to pull it off.
I also have about a 16" stack of old AOL CD's, intending to glue them up in pairs, shiny-side out, and decorate a Christmas tree with them (plus a smattering of twinkle lights to make them stand out). That remains yet another Post-It idea in my cranium along with a dusty pile of junk in my house. Plus, I haven't had a holiday tree in over 3 decades.