I agree I had hundreds of great movies on DVD and didn't want to have to pay (again) to upgrade them all to Bluray. Cost having to pay 2.50 per DVD to upgrade to Bluray quality was a no brainer. The fact that I can also share my collection with five members across the States was another selling point. Now that I know about going to the public library for great movies I don't even own to add to my collection is also great. I recoup most of the conversion fee by selling the DVD's I own for 2.00 to coworkers after I've converted to HDX. Why watch the DVD when I have the HDX version available anywhere at anytime. I've even been able to buy movies that most likely will never ever make it Bluray. I also like that I can buy brand new releases for 5.00 instead of 20.00 for the physical disc taking up space. Studios at times also release digital copies earlier than the Bluray release. I had the HDX version of Captain Phillips a week before disc release for 5.00 that my whole family could enjoy in their own homes.