Deacon said:
You're talking about a world I know nothing about. If I like a movie I buy the disc. When I want to watch it I take the disc out of the case, put it in my player and consume. I don't need multiple copies etc, etc.
If you just want a movie stored on a server can't you buy a digital copy the same as you buy a physical disc?
When I buy a movie on disc, nowadays I try to get the "Blu Ray + Digital Copy" one. While Haywood is right, it's not a full BR quality digital copy, if I want to be picky I can physically get the disc from the library shelf and put it in the player. If I just want to watch the movie I can fire up my Apple TV and stream it or watch it on another device. It works for me, but I am a little miffed that generally there's no option for those movies I already own on Blu-Ray. I can re-buy them at full retail price digitally, but that's usually $20/movie- and that's a ludicrous price (more than the disc, even), so I usually won't.