Just in case I want to have some Christmas music at ~135dB SPL... 
Yes, this is my live sound system. This room was used for band rehearsals for a while but (long story) that's probably not gonna happen anymore. But hey, while I still have the gear, may as well get some use out of it. Eventually I do plan to have that Heresy + tube amp system in this same location. Someday...
You'll see my new (to me) squeezebox, normally sitting on top of the (closed) mixer case. It's one of the original white V3 Slim Devices branded units, pre-Logitech. But still, plugged it in, hooked to wireless, did a firmware update, and I was up and running in 5 minutes. Sweet.
Despite a pretty crappy noise floor - obvious hiss from the (powered) speakers even with everything else off - this isn't a bad system for home listening. With these large speakers spread apart this far - about 12' - the soundstage is IMMENSE. It's kinda fun. And imaging isn't bad either, despite total lack of any acoustic treatments. Horn tweeters helps here, some, I'm sure.
Yes, this is my live sound system. This room was used for band rehearsals for a while but (long story) that's probably not gonna happen anymore. But hey, while I still have the gear, may as well get some use out of it. Eventually I do plan to have that Heresy + tube amp system in this same location. Someday...
You'll see my new (to me) squeezebox, normally sitting on top of the (closed) mixer case. It's one of the original white V3 Slim Devices branded units, pre-Logitech. But still, plugged it in, hooked to wireless, did a firmware update, and I was up and running in 5 minutes. Sweet.
Despite a pretty crappy noise floor - obvious hiss from the (powered) speakers even with everything else off - this isn't a bad system for home listening. With these large speakers spread apart this far - about 12' - the soundstage is IMMENSE. It's kinda fun. And imaging isn't bad either, despite total lack of any acoustic treatments. Horn tweeters helps here, some, I'm sure.