This is for Pixar's feature films and here are all eleven. Rank them from worst to first...and add notes if you'd like
Here's my order
11. A Bug's Life - For me, for all of it's technical achievements at the time, it just doesn't have the story to make me want to watch it over and over again.
10. Cars - Super animation, great cast, with an unoriginal story. My kids love it though...
9. Toy Story - For me this is where it gets difficult to rank these films, I want to put this higher for what it did for animated movies in general, but personally I don't find myself wanting to watch this again and again like a lot of the others. You gotta love the characters and cast that Pixar put together though...
8. Toy story 2 - This is the first Pixar movie I saw in theaters, I am fond of this movie for several reasons it has dropped down the list for me because, aside from Cars, every Pixar movie after it is THAT much better...Still though I will never forget the great laughs I get every time I watch it. And I never turn the family down when they want to have a "Toy Story Marathon" ALSO did you know that this movie was originally going straight to DVD/Video, but the story was so good that the studio decided to release it in theaters...
7. Ratatouille - I think this movie is really really good! We all HATE rats in real life, and yet this one is adorable...The animated Paris is something to behold and the story is underrated. I thought all of the casting was spot-on as usual, but was critical for this movie, as it's not your usual kid's movie. Me and my family always enjoy this one too.
6. The Incredibles - This one is a blast and a ton of fun, and has BIGTIME demo material. Although the story revolves around Mr. Incredible, his midlife crisis and his family, I feel like many of the "supers" could have a spinoff-movie of their own and Pixar has the resources and talent on hand to pull it off. I also agree that this is the one Pixar flick that MUST have a sequel somewhere in the near future...
5. Up - The first 5-10 minutes sucked me right in emotionally (I cried) and then the rest of the movie had me laughing hysterically throughout. The end credits were touching too, showing how the main character's adventures were really just the beginning.
4. Monster's Inc. - While this one would be low on the list for many, I have many reasons for LOVING it. My son Daniel and I watched this movie EVERY night for months when it first came out. We would often fall asleep together watching it and he was only three years old, I never grew tired of that short-lived tradition or the movie. Still to this day, when I pop in Monsters Inc, those are the memories that come to mind. I also love the comedic improvisation throughout the film that Billy Crystal brought to the Mikey character. Also the last few seconds of the film bring a tear to my eye every time I watch it...
3. Finding Nemo - I actually flip-flop Finding Nemo with Monster's Inc all the time. It will always hold a place in my heart for similar reasons too. But for many technical reasons I put it a smidge in front of Monster's Inc...
2. Wall-E - While I know many people who just flat out hate this movie, I don't understand why...I love the story, how the storytellers instill so much love and emotion in a robot that shouldn't be able to "love" or "feel" anything. They tell a backstory while practically saying NOTHING. The animation in my opinion is the best I have ever seen to this day, it's incredibly realistic and nearly 3 dimensional.
1. Toy Story 3 - Pixar was on their A-game in every single facet I can think of with this movie. Great story that is somehow original, with characters we all love, it is pee-in-your-pants hilarious and has a probable ending to the series that tied it all up in a very touching way. I took my 2 boys to see this in 3D and all three of us laughed hysterically throughout the entire movie. Pixar created another fond memory for me that I will always be grateful for...

Here's my order
11. A Bug's Life - For me, for all of it's technical achievements at the time, it just doesn't have the story to make me want to watch it over and over again.
10. Cars - Super animation, great cast, with an unoriginal story. My kids love it though...
9. Toy Story - For me this is where it gets difficult to rank these films, I want to put this higher for what it did for animated movies in general, but personally I don't find myself wanting to watch this again and again like a lot of the others. You gotta love the characters and cast that Pixar put together though...
8. Toy story 2 - This is the first Pixar movie I saw in theaters, I am fond of this movie for several reasons it has dropped down the list for me because, aside from Cars, every Pixar movie after it is THAT much better...Still though I will never forget the great laughs I get every time I watch it. And I never turn the family down when they want to have a "Toy Story Marathon" ALSO did you know that this movie was originally going straight to DVD/Video, but the story was so good that the studio decided to release it in theaters...
7. Ratatouille - I think this movie is really really good! We all HATE rats in real life, and yet this one is adorable...The animated Paris is something to behold and the story is underrated. I thought all of the casting was spot-on as usual, but was critical for this movie, as it's not your usual kid's movie. Me and my family always enjoy this one too.
6. The Incredibles - This one is a blast and a ton of fun, and has BIGTIME demo material. Although the story revolves around Mr. Incredible, his midlife crisis and his family, I feel like many of the "supers" could have a spinoff-movie of their own and Pixar has the resources and talent on hand to pull it off. I also agree that this is the one Pixar flick that MUST have a sequel somewhere in the near future...
5. Up - The first 5-10 minutes sucked me right in emotionally (I cried) and then the rest of the movie had me laughing hysterically throughout. The end credits were touching too, showing how the main character's adventures were really just the beginning.
4. Monster's Inc. - While this one would be low on the list for many, I have many reasons for LOVING it. My son Daniel and I watched this movie EVERY night for months when it first came out. We would often fall asleep together watching it and he was only three years old, I never grew tired of that short-lived tradition or the movie. Still to this day, when I pop in Monsters Inc, those are the memories that come to mind. I also love the comedic improvisation throughout the film that Billy Crystal brought to the Mikey character. Also the last few seconds of the film bring a tear to my eye every time I watch it...
3. Finding Nemo - I actually flip-flop Finding Nemo with Monster's Inc all the time. It will always hold a place in my heart for similar reasons too. But for many technical reasons I put it a smidge in front of Monster's Inc...
2. Wall-E - While I know many people who just flat out hate this movie, I don't understand why...I love the story, how the storytellers instill so much love and emotion in a robot that shouldn't be able to "love" or "feel" anything. They tell a backstory while practically saying NOTHING. The animation in my opinion is the best I have ever seen to this day, it's incredibly realistic and nearly 3 dimensional.
1. Toy Story 3 - Pixar was on their A-game in every single facet I can think of with this movie. Great story that is somehow original, with characters we all love, it is pee-in-your-pants hilarious and has a probable ending to the series that tied it all up in a very touching way. I took my 2 boys to see this in 3D and all three of us laughed hysterically throughout the entire movie. Pixar created another fond memory for me that I will always be grateful for...