Well, I've spent a couple hours playing with this thing today, got a Pandora account set up (I
hope they don't send my email address out to everyone and their brother now, I've kept relatively clear of the spammers since '07). I typed in Level 42 on my computer, it started playing, then my TV said "Oh hey, there you are" and started playing it too, then it jumped to some other songs I guess it thought I'd like, so far so good except for the Billy Idol track :? Good audio quality, certainly better than FM radio and I haven't heard a commercial yet!

Then futzed around with the Amazon Instant Video ap, got my info input (I'm a Prime member just for shipping) and looked through some of the free movies, TV shows, etc that the Prime membership gives me for free. Those, along with all the free movies on Crackle, damn, I may never buy another DVD! The music concert selection was pretty bleak, so I'll probably keep buying a bluray every now and then. I don't have a Netflix account, but since I watch so few movies the older selections these two channels have are all new to me, and will keep me happy for years.
Apparently there is no web browser for the Roku, nor will there be (according to them), and I did just learn that the Apple TV can be used as a browser (the ap is $40! :shock: ) so I'm now wondering if I should've gone that route after all. Well, the Roku is paid for, and I do have my damn laptop on the floor next to the recliner; How Tough my Life Is... :happy-smileygiantred:
Oh now that's cool. I hadn't turned my TV off yet, but the screen saver just kicked in, and Pandora displays the album cover of what's playing and it jumps around the screen, I can live with that! All in all, a pretty decent $67 investment!