its been ages since ive watched a full movie.
for those who may not understand me, i would love to have the chance to sit down, immerse myself and watch a movie. straight up. instead i have to cook, clean and well, stand up sometimes to do something.
last night we slept at around 2am, finishing red planet via amazon streaming.
which adds a conundrum
i have around 4 devices at home that have streaming - ps3, wdtv live, two blu-ray players that stream netflix. but thats the thing - it only does netflix.
does it justify purchasing or keeping my roku to primarily stream amazon, thinking that inevitably, the ps3 MIGHT get amazon along the way.
sure its only a hundred bucks, but still, its a hundred bucks.
anyhoo, heading out soon...
quick question - it has a usb port, but dont know how to use my hard drive or access it. i tried but nothing happened. i know its not 'maximized' yet, but im curious. i want to see if it streams my stuff 480p only.
*edit - apparently, i have to download a roku usb movie channel.

lastly, mzpro - i love crackle, it looks cool!