I redid my rack to where I can move it to the back of the room. I added some pegboard to the back of the rack so the wiring wouldn't be so obvious and I could organize it a bet better. Here's some "in process" pics, front and back.
The pegboard doesn't look as light as it does in the pics and I think I might not paint it since it's going to be in the back corner out of view. Because the Onkyo receiver is so deep, I planned on having two separate pieces and the area behind the Onk would just be open. My laserdisc player is deep too, that's why there's a cutout in the top panel.
What do you guys think? Would you still add the bottom piece? I have the material to cut it, but the Onkyo is so close to the bottom, I wonder if the bottom pegboard panel would even be noticed. Still, something just doesn't look right with this addition, so I thought I would post some pics and get some ideas, suggestions, etc. from you guys.
I may go ahead and cut the bottom section and see if that's what it is. Thanks everyone.

The pegboard doesn't look as light as it does in the pics and I think I might not paint it since it's going to be in the back corner out of view. Because the Onkyo receiver is so deep, I planned on having two separate pieces and the area behind the Onk would just be open. My laserdisc player is deep too, that's why there's a cutout in the top panel.
What do you guys think? Would you still add the bottom piece? I have the material to cut it, but the Onkyo is so close to the bottom, I wonder if the bottom pegboard panel would even be noticed. Still, something just doesn't look right with this addition, so I thought I would post some pics and get some ideas, suggestions, etc. from you guys.
I may go ahead and cut the bottom section and see if that's what it is. Thanks everyone.