Saw this movie last Saturday. I guess I'm in the minority. I thought Force Awakens, though heavily recycled from Ep 4, was much better than Jedi. At least Ep 7 was better than the prequels, this not much better.
I thought for sure, when Leia was blown out into space, that was how she was going to go out. Ben couldn't kill his mother like he did with Han, so another fighter just happens to do it for him, relieving Ben of that burden (and possibly revealing a potential Force conflict?). Leia then dies in battle and Fisher's legacy is complete.
Then all of a sudden, she turns into Mary Poppins and floats her way back to another ship where she is saved. WTF?? Really? Stupid.
Luke was, imo, a pussy in this film. I didn't expect him to be this mega Jedi warrior cutting down the First Order with his "laser sword", but at least be closer to Kenobi and Yoda from a wisdom perspective. I thought that was the direction when Rey sees him toss his old light saber over the cliff. Instead, he spends the majority of the film wallowing in self pity. His death scene was pretty cool as it reminiscent of him staring away at the dual sunsets on Tatooine from Ep 4, but too early in the trilogy for me. Honestly, Luke doesn't have to die at all. It's funny of the major three characters from the original trilogy, the two that die are still alive in real life. Carrie Fisher is gone, yet Leia can float through outer freaking space unaffected using the Force to stay alive. If she's that strong with the Force, then she's really done the Resistance a disservice.
I was wanting to know more about Snoke and Rey. Nothing. I do like that Rey is not another Skywalker, but was hoping there was more to her than just being an orphan. That's still better than Snoke. Nothing about him at all except seeing him die like a chump from a Jedi/Sith wannabe like Ren. Same with Phasma. Seems her character was played up at the start of this trilogy, but she's pretty much a nobody. The Casino scene didn't do anything for me either. It seemed to be just infoless filler like the pod race from Phantom Menace. Then there's Rose. She's just unlikable. I hope if there has to be a "hook up" in this trilogy, it's Finn with Rey....not Rose.
I just didn't enjoy this movie like the last two. I hope the Solo movie is better as I don't know how Ep9 is going to tie everything in from this new trilogy. I think not killing off Leia after Fisher's passing is going to be a huge obstacle for the next film.