first off, how olds the stepson?
the reason im asking is, as a number of y'all know, ive been gaming for quite sometime already. (i said Gaming Matt...
anyways, the amount of time you'd end up playing on a console is relative to the amount of productivity you would like to squeeze out of a person. As a result, a matter of balance is needed, and well, priorities are something ive learned throughout the years.
sure ive played a day or two straight, but hey, ive done the dishes, done the laundry, ironed clothes et al prior to such.
I also consider the age due to game selection. do you see him as a racer? as a FPS shooter? et al? most games out there, and a couple of responsible sellers would advise you if the game was rated M for mature, and it shows you what level of gore, expletive language is out there. I dont question parental guidance, or what not, im just saying whats out there.
Anyhoo, the new slims are great, and quite frankly, i didnt miss much of the BC a lot of 'Big boned' Ps3 owners have proudly boasted about. I owned the first one too for a while, and only held it for some time due to Snake Eater.
Nonetheless, the Lego series is also available on the Ps3, for your pleasure and your sons.
You can always head into gamestop, trade in EVERYTHING you own on the ps2, and put that towards the Ps3. Remember to look for hardware deals prior to such. This occurs mostly when bundles come out. Which in this case, the GT5 series might be a great reason to jump in.
As for the move, well, its a great product, its just a bit too high of a cost for me. Considering that it would cost almost as much as a new Ps3, i held off.
Give it a shot bud. And if i may suggest, there are a number of great games to boot to play.
I have a list of games 20 clams under, that may appeal to you.