MatthewB said:I'm sure this won't be the last time studios continue to make this stupid mistake.
Starting tonight I'm camping out in my heighbourhood park to protest, and I'm not leaving until a new release on BD hits the stores! I'm taking back Chaleur Way I tell you!Botch said:MatthewB said:I'm sure this won't be the last time studios continue to make this stupid mistake.
They will if you just stew about it, Matt. Make sure to send the blurry back to the studio, ask for your money back, and tell them why. I'm a big believer in complaining, and voting, and researching, and choosing who I give my money to, and if there were enough of us we could change things. :handgestures-thumbup:
You're most likely correct... :|MatthewB said:Botch the only problem with that, is that whomever gets my Bluray wouldn't have clue one as to what I was talking about. The right hand never knows what the left is doing and I guarantee the most that would happen is they would just send me out a replacement disc thinking mine was defective and that would be the end of that one. Seriously have you ever talked to these companies, it's like "Let's hire the most brain dead robot sounding nimrod who can at least follow a script" and put them in customer service."
Matt, I just watched that part and it does have some semi-deep bass but that's mostly from the theme music. You may really want to recalibrate your sound system because I can't see why you felt that this Blu-ray lacks deep bass. Re-watch some action scenes especially 4:00 - 4:20 mark.MatthewB said:Then after the movie after the credits rolled as with most superhero movies, this one also had a short scene followed by a short preview of "The Avengers" and lo and behold my sub came to life and was filling the room with deep bass.
Batman said:OHHHH T7 that's where you're wrong, I USED to LOVE CA, now it's just a steaming pile of DUNG. It can never be viewed the with the same enjoyment I had in the theater ever again.bscene-moneypiss: CAPTAIN AMERICA, today the :character-smurfguy: are released in all their 3D glory!!!!! I hear it has tons of bass too!!!! :violence-torch:
MatthewB said:Naw the bass still sucks on this one. Saw Fast Five last night and Holy smokes this stupid movie had very intense bass, yet CA which is a superhero action movie still lacks real bass.
Towen7 said:Batman said:OHHHH T7 that's where you're wrong, I USED to LOVE CA, now it's just a steaming pile of DUNG. It can never be viewed the with the same enjoyment I had in the theater ever again.bscene-moneypiss: CAPTAIN AMERICA, today the :character-smurfguy: are released in all their 3D glory!!!!! I hear it has tons of bass too!!!! :violence-torch:
I think you and I are on the same page. But...
MatthewB said:Naw the bass still sucks on this one. Saw Fast Five last night and Holy smokes this stupid movie had very intense bass, yet CA which is a superhero action movie still lacks real bass.
If good bass makes a shitty movie worth watching, and missing a few Hz just pisses you off... Your priorities may be a little out of whack. It should de more about what something is than what it isn't.
Nobody in their right mind would watch Adele play Set Fire to the Rain live at Royal Albert Hall and focus on that she missed a single piano note while she was singing her face off, or look at the Mona Lisa and talk about that the frame is cracked, or visit the pyramids of Egypt and focus on that they're in the middle of a God forsaken desert, or go to a F1 race and complain that pit row smells like rubber and fuel, or get to see the Space Shuttle launch and not be able to get over that is 110 degrees and 99% humidity in south Florida.
Matt, compared to those 3, CA is the most realistic comic character. Given that, I don't see anything wrong with not having unrealistic rumble with the movie. BTW, there are some in the part I mentioned (4:00 - 4:20).MatthewB said:It's just i have gotten used to hearing awesome bass (i.e Ironman, The Hulk, THOR etc) and to have no subsonic bass in CA at all was disappointing.