Flint said:
I think you need to have all your subwoofers taken away and all the bass below 50Hz EQ'ed out of your system for 90 days. You need to watch hundreds of movies, concerts & shows without sub-bass to reintroduce yourself to story, plot, dialog, and action. You have developed a very unnatural fetish with bowel moving , chest resonating bass which will ruin you forever if you don't do something about it now.
You know how I always say the music is all that matters and that I'd rather hear my favorite albums on a battery powered AM transistor radio than listen to crap music with cool sounds on my ultimate hi-fi rig? You are exactly the opposite. All you care about is the bass, and it is a very pitiful addiction.
Consider this the first warning, Matt. The next time I bring this up it will be after surprising you with a visit in person along with 10 others from here to remove your subs - an intervention.
Matt, remember, repeated concussion can cause brain damage. Symptoms include headache, nausea, irritability, poor concentration, emotional changes, and ...(
http://www.medicinenet.com/brain_concus ... 2.htm#tocd ).
You don't want to end up like this, do you?