Uh that's a cliffhanger/teaser for the next episode. They've been doing those foreverI did enjoy all the characters reuniting and the interaction between those who haven’t met before. I think expectations just fell short due to going into such a short season. We were probably all expecting at least 2-3 events taking place and short of Jon being told the truth, nothing really happened. Another 5-15 of footage after Jamie arrived probably would’ve carried the entire episode.
Has anyone else thought that maybe "the crypts" that are supposed to be so safe may not be so safe?
I still haven't seen Sunday nights episode, will tonight, so I didn't click on the article that was saying the same thing about the crypts. So you may be on to something Jeff.
I don't think this is the article I saw the link to, but it does talk about the crypts and why they may be dangerous. It basically says that Jon had a dream in the books that looks to be coming true in the series. LINKI didn't realize there was an article about that. I will have to look it up.