Well-Known Member
Found good info on the GT forums so I just copied it. Anyone been following this? Anyone have any interest in it?
PlayStation 4 console announced by Sony in New York[/b]
What we know so far (courtesy of Joystiq):
-PS4 has x86 CPU, 8GB onboard memory, local hard drive
-PS4's DualShock 4 controller has built-in touch pad, motion control capability
-PS4 allows playing games as they're downloading
-"Try Anything" for PlayStation 4: "Try it for free, share it if you like it, and pay only for the games which you fall in love with," Perry said.
-"Instant broadcast:" allows players to broadcast and share gameplay videos using existing, connected social networks, such as Ustream and Facebook. Friends are able to post comments to your screen.
-PlayStation 4's dedicated video hardware will allow seamless video uploading, streaming, sharing
-PlayStation 4 will continue to bring streaming media to homes
-PlayStation 4 will stream PS1, PS2, PS3 games
-PlayStation Move compatible with PS4,
-PS4 features PS Vita remote play powered by Gaikai
-PS4 will have support from 'every' major third party
Announced Games:
-Killzone: Shadowfall
-Driveclub from the makers of Motorstorm, Evolution Studios
-Infamous: Second Son
-The Witness, which will be a PS4 launch exclusive
-A new Final Fantasy
-Watch Dogs
-Diablo 3 (both PS3 and PS4)