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Rogue One a Star Wars story

Saw it last night and thought it was great.
I'm with the others that thought the two main CGI characters were really good but not quite good enough to make me think they were real. Hollywood is getting closer though.

I too was surprised that Rouge One went RIGHT up A New Hope. I don't know why but I expected a little space between the stories.
Saw it last night and thought it was great.
I'm with the others that thought the two main CGI characters were really good but not quite good enough to make me think they were real. Hollywood is getting closer though.

I too was surprised that Rouge One went RIGHT up A New Hope. I don't know why but I expected a little space between the stories.

Pretty much my thoughts too. You could literally watch Rogue One/A New Hope back to back and it would seem as one really long movie. It was the same impression when I first saw The Two Towers after seeing the end of Fellowship of the Ring.

I was impressed with the CGI of Tarken and Leia. When I first saw Tarkin, it did have me thinking as the guy "never aged" compared to ANH. At the time, I couldn't remember when Peter Cushing passed away (or if he had) as the guy was pretty old already in ANH. I kept telling myself, that has to be CG as Peter would be in his 100s by now. I think the stand in actor's voice was what kept throwing me off as he sounded dead on like him.

After the movie, when I found out he had died in '94 I think that's when I was even more impressed with the Tarkin CGI. Leia, not so much for obvious reasons (but was still great). I think what gives them both away are the eyes. They don't look right compared to a real living human on camera.

But I loved how they tied it all together. I think the more I think about it, Rogue One is a close second to A New Hope. Empire is still my favorite.
Finally saw this today with the family, loved it. Agreed, they did an excellent job fitting it in with the episode IV story. Pretty decent characters. No overly cute droids though, WTH? :laughing:

I admit it was a bit emotional seeing Leia at the end.
Finally saw this today with the family, loved it. Agreed, they did an excellent job fitting it in with the episode IV story. Pretty decent characters. No overly cute droids though, WTH? :laughing:

I admit it was a bit emotional seeing Leia at the end.

Wait til Ep 8.
One nagging question though ....

Mild spoiler below

Why did Lelia's adopted father feel the need to keep her (Leia's) identity a secret from Mon Mothma? In the exchange between Mon and Bail about finding the Jedi (presumably Obi Wan) for help she asked Bail if they could trust "your friend". Bail responds "I would trust her with my life". Why couldn't Mon know that Leia would be the one to reach out to Obi Wan on her father's behalf?

Furthermore ... since R2 and C3PO were on the rebel base right before the attack on Skarrif and we know that they're on the same ship with Leia right after... does that mean that Leia was also at the base before the final attack? If so, again, why would that fact be hidden from everyone? Apparently even Mon Mothma, the founder of the Rebel Alliance, didn't know.
^^^ Maybe it was some 'double secret' thing, so his daughter isn't put at risk (as if she wasn't already). Mon, apparently, knew she was a 'she' but maybe Leia's father still wanted to play it safe by not exposing her. After all Saw Gerrera didn't see eye to eye with the Rebels when it came to the Empire so maybe there was some trust issues with Bail among others within the Alliance.

Read on Yahoo it was the 3rd highest grossing film for 2016 behind Captain America: Civil War and Finding Dory (29th of all time).
I like to think she actually was on a diplomatic mission to Alderran (which Vader would've sensed had she been lying about that). I think that the Death Star plans just fell in her lap from the end of Rogue One and she knew she had to do something once the pursuit was on. Hence when they were captured giving it to R2-D2.

I've often wondered what if C-3PO had never gotten aboard that escape pod with R2 and had been brought before Darth Vader. Would Vader have recognized 3PO as the droid he initially built and would 3PO have turned to the dark side to serve his initial master.
I like to think she actually was on a diplomatic mission to Alderran (which Vader would've sensed had she been lying about that). I think that the Death Star plans just fell in her lap from the end of Rogue One and she knew she had to do something once the pursuit was on. Hence when they were captured giving it to R2-D2.

I've often wondered what if C-3PO had never gotten aboard that escape pod with R2 and had been brought before Darth Vader. Would Vader have recognized 3PO as the droid he initially built and would 3PO have turned to the dark side to serve his initial master.

I don't think so, as he accused her of lying in the beginning of ANH and had her imprisoned. Wasn't that why Luke and Obi-Won had to go and rescue her? I think she was knee deep like her dad, but probably had little side missions that her dad kept secret. I think that's odd that a rebellion, that seems to recognize royalty, would have a "princess" carrying out these types of missions so that tells me they knew her mother who was a queen which makes it even more perplexing.

Maybe because of her royalty, she was the one who was calling the shots and her adopted dad reluctantly agreed and forced him to keep her mission between the two of them. Who knows? It's funny how 3PO and R2 are always seem to be at the right location at the right time.

As for 3PO, I think that's what would have happened, but I think Vader would have reprogrammed him like K2 was reprogrammed by the Rebels in R1.

About 3PO and R2.....In the grand scheme of things, if I was wanting to have someone build me a reliable droid, I think no one would be better than Anakin. He buillt 3P0 when he was a child and look what all he's went through and he's still running! The Energizer bunny hasn't got shit on him.
Honestly, I think the Bail Organa not saying Leia's identity to Mon Mothma is less an in-universe answer and more a storytelling answer. This movie is for those who've seen what comes next. They're setting up A New Hope for those who have already seen it multiple times and know darn well who Bail Organa is. IMO, that was more a "we're not blowing the news that we're REALLY close to the end of the movie yet" move than anything else.

As for 3PO and Vader, there was no shortage of 3PO droids out there. C-3PO had had his memory wiped at least once somewhere along the way, and clearly had no memory of his history. Vader had spent 20 years doing all sorts of stuff since he last saw C-3PO, and much of that involved interactions with other protocol droids. I doubt he'd have noticed unless the gold colored plating was really rare.
IMO, that was more a "we're not blowing the news that we're REALLY close to the end of the movie yet" move than anything else.

Maybe... probably... but I think everyone in the audience except maybe kids under 10, knew exactly who "she" was going to be. Even casual fans who didn't realize that Bail was Lelia's adopted dad knew that "she" was going to be Leia.

Another little thing that bothered me....

Was I the only one that thought that they went out of their way to make sure every race/gender/age group was represented as an X-Wing pilot?
Well the female pilot texting while flying was bothersome but added realism to the story.
Was I the only one that thought that they went out of their way to make sure every race/gender/age group was represented as an X-Wing pilot?

That's major franchises now. If you don't include EVERYBODY, preferably even working alternative sexual orientations into stories where it's completely irrelevant, you're a racist bigot who probably voted for Trump and should crawl into a hole and die. According to Tumblr, anyway.
This may be somewhat off topic but,

After watching R1 a second time (went with a friend) I wonder how much guilt and/or burden Obi Won carried with him when he hid out on Tatooine as an old hermit in Ep4. He left Anakin for dead in Ep3, so I wonder if he ever thought that if he had slain Anakin, would that have made any difference in the rebellion or would the Emperor would have just went on with another apprentice. The way he dies during his and Vader's last fight make me wonder if he done that to atone for his sin (the sin of not slaying Anakin in ep3). Had he killed Anakin, then there would have been no Vader and no telling how many lives would have been spared had Obi Won done this.
Along those lines you'd think he'd have as much if not more guilt for not handling Anakin before he killed all of the Jedi.