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Over at thedigitalbits.com says the LOTR Extended versions are going to be released on Blu-ray "sometime" this year! I will be double dipping again b/c this is a must have for me, this is great news!
Finally, remember our news about the Extended Versions of the Lord of the Rings films coming to Blu-ray later this year? Well, our friends over at The One Ring.net posted a little bit more information. The expectation is that the release will be an exact or near-exact port of the previous Extended Edition DVD sets, with the films obviously now in HD video with lossless audio. It's remotely possible that you might also see some kind of teaser video for The Hobbit. I'd personally be happy if the set just included everything that was on the 4-disc DVD sets, along with those 3 newer documentaries that were only on the more recent Limited Edition DVD sets. (The Limited Editions were the DVDs that included BOTH the theatrical and extended cuts via seamless branching - see our DVD review here. Each also had a second disc with a NEW documentary on that making of the film.) That way, at the very least, you could count on being able to ditch all your previous DVDs when you upgrade to Blu-ray. As for the future "ultimate" editions, don't look for those until after the Hobbit films are finished, as Jackson likely won't have a lot of time to create new bonus content until then... and no truly "ultimate" set could be released without the Hobbit films anyway.
Stay tuned!
Bill Hunt, Editor
The Digital Bits