Thanks guys. Zing, I appreciate the offer, that's very generous! But I really don't want a touch screen remote, I'd much rather have regular 'ole buttons. Also, I don't particularly want another charging stand and fancy custom battery, which is IMHO one of the drawbacks of the One. I looked at the URC and Philips stuff, and while they have models in the <$100 price range, my impression from reviews and such are they are harder to program. Don't know if that's really true, but I do actually like to program it on the computer vs directly on the remote, so that if the device resets for some reason, I don't lose all my programming. And I already have everything set up with the Harmony software, making the transition to a new harmony remote much, much easier than having to learn a whole new system.
So, with all that combined with the price factor, I've gone ahead and ordered a (new) 650. With $4 shipping from Amazon Prime, I'll have it tomorrow. :handgestures-thumbup: