No invisibility cloak, no poison arrows... what the hell kind of game is this, anyway?
My God that was quick! What kind of scientist are you? Where's your scientific curiosity? Why are you not trying to understand the complexities at their root level? Did Newton say "Stupid apple keeps falling." and give up? Did Michelangelo say "That ceiling is kinda high." and grab a coloring book instead?Well I spent some time with both Forza (horizons 4 which I got relatively cheap) and Assetto Corsa. My conclusions:
1) I have not the slightest fucking clue how to drive. This isn't surprising, really. I don't enjoy driving IRL (although getting a Cooper S has changed that somewhat), I don't watch racing on TV, and I have no knowledge of how any type of real race car actually works. Hell I don't even know if they have manual transmissions or what...
This translates into my lack of skill on the video screen. Plus it just doesn't make sense to me. No invisibility cloak, no poison arrows... what the hell kind of game is this, anyway?
2) Playing these games with a controller is deeply silly. (As is jumping your Lamborghini off cliffs in Forza, although it's mildly entertaining for a short while.) It's a little better than a mouse and keyboard, but not much. I'm sure I would get more out of these games with a real driving rig, but I'm not motivated to spend hundreds of dollars or more on finding out.
So, back to Assassin's Creed for me.
Ya, what he said.My God that was quick! What kind of scientist are you? Where's your scientific curiosity? Why are you not trying to understand the complexities at their root level? Did Newton say "Stupid apple keeps falling." and give up? Did Michelangelo say "That ceiling is kinda high." and grab a coloring book instead?
Come on, Gangsta. Do some of that gangsta shit, and shit.
lol Because to get to those "complexities" (real subtleties/skills of driving, even sim driving) I'd need more than a controller, I'm convinced. But it's too much $$ for me to take the gamble that I'd really love it enough to justify the hardware.Why are you not trying to understand the complexities at their root level?
Well I spent some time with both Forza (horizons 4 which I got relatively cheap) and Assetto Corsa. My conclusions:
2) Playing these games with a controller is deeply silly. (As is jumping your Lamborghini off cliffs in Forza, although it's mildly entertaining for a short while.) It's a little better than a mouse and keyboard, but not much. I'm sure I would get more out of these games with a real driving rig, but I'm not motivated to spend hundreds of dollars or more on finding out.
I've been telling Towen for months he could make more gains with a better wheel/pedal setup. He'll find out later today how right I am. Stand by for his confirmation.
Looks pretty spectacular to me.I‘ve got some cable management to take care of but here’s my WannaBeZing setup.
View attachment 11627
For about the same money, Mike, you could have Fanatec's CSL Elite pedals with the load cell option unless you need the third (clutch) pedal.I think my upgrade path will be pedals with a load cell brake first. Being cheap I will probably try the Thrustmaster T-LCM's.
Any hobby worth doing eventually gets expensive this also a road I can’t go down. but it does look fun as hell.See, you guys are all crazy.This is why I can't go down this road (pun intended) right now...
This couldn't be more true.Any hobby worth doing eventually gets expensive
Unless I am missing something when I look up the CSL Elite pedals and scroll down I read this:For about the same money, Mike, you could have Fanatec's CSL Elite pedals with the load cell option unless you need the third (clutch) pedal.
There's always the option of picking up a used ClubSport V3 set when Towen and I inevitably upgrade to Heusinkveld Ultimate.
Huh. That must be fairly recent. I don't think it was too many weeks ago I noticed it was available.Unless I am missing something when I look up the CSL Elite pedals and scroll down I read this:
Optional Load Cell Kit (discontinued).