heeman said:Paradigm Says:
These are both Studio Series Center Speakers and any of the Studio Series Speakers up to Version 3 should work fine with my Version 1 60's.
They Also Said that they CC would work much better than just a single Studio 20 as the center.
heeman said:Randy, I have read on other forums the "downfalls of horizontal arrays for center channel speakers".
Others here have told me to just use a Studio 20 as the center and I will be just fine, actually better than a CC V2 OR CC 450.
If I was to us a single Studio 20 and if I laid it down insteed of stood it up, would I be sacrificing much??
PaulyT said:I was under the impression that horizontal drivers were more of a problem with an MTM design - which is more directional in the plane of the drivers (and is what most CC's tend to be for some reason), and hence off-axis response left/right is degraded when the drivers are horizontal. If it's a 2-driver speaker like a Studio 20, I don't think the orientation would matter quite as much.
Flint or someone, please correct me if I'm wrong...
Anyway, if you're always sitting spot-on in the middle of the center sweet spot, then it's moot, you can put the speakers however you want. This whole CC issue has more to do with off-axis listening when you've got multiple seats with some not centered.
Randy, if I liked you before, I like you a lot more now! :happy-smileygiantred:Randy said:I however always sit right in the middle and don't really care what the rest of the family hears, but I am kinda selfish like that. And, they dont know the difference anyway.
Razz said:In V.3 I believe they came out with both 450 and 550.
Here is a garden variety 2-way MTM (Midrange-Tweeter-Midrange).heeman said:What is the definition of MTM Design??
Zing said:Still, that didn't stop me from trying to prevent it anyway even though I can't sit very far off axis.
No, they're Swan (HiVi) D2.1SE.AndySTL said:Totally off topic, but Zing, are those Totem Model 1's? Very nice!