Yeah, it's a big game, and that's both a strength and a weakness. Yeah it's kinda nice to be able to just wander around doing quests that seem interesting or that come up along the way, in no particular order. But now I'm level ~53 and further character development is more or less impossible; level-ups are far between and so perk points are rare, so even if I train in some new skill that I haven't developed, I wouldn't have the perks to spend to really make it useful. So now I'm kinda wondering, what's the point of it all? There's not much plot underlying the gameplay, except I guess for the dragonborn/shout thing, which I guess I should pursue more pointedly now.
Though I just made a SHITLOAD of money by finding a great alchemy combination with ingredients that I had a lot of, to make a potions that is worth a lot of money: I think I made ~70 potions each of which was worth ~600 gold. That's >40k gold just on that, though it took a while to go around and sell it all (master speechcraft really helped there though). Now I have nearly 300k gold, and am wondering what the hell to do with it. Trying to find houses to buy in towns other than Whiterun and Riften...
Anyway, I guess that while I'm still enjoying the gameplay, I'm burning out a little, and am ready for it to end.
This is in contrast to Witcher, where the gameplay was a little more narrowly tracked and in some ways not as "compulsive" as Skyrim, but the storyline was WAY more interesting.
T7, yeah, this is where some experience in this type of game helps. You don't choose a high elf for a fighter.

But as others have said, that makes more difference right at the beginning; as you progress you can develop whatever skills you want to the point where the starting character race hardly matters at all. That said, I chose a Khajit for sneak/thief/archery, because that's almost always the sort of character I play in these games. (Plus my girls like to watch me play sometimes, and I just knew they'd freak out over me playing a cat character.

) I'm not at all interested in the "hack and slash" style of fighting, I much prefer the long-distance sniper or sneak up and backstab style.