Caught the prologue last night at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. (no one showed up in costume

) It was a bittersweet experience because the IMAX at this venue is an all encompassing dome that, IMO, isn't really ideal at all for feature films. This prologue however is only shown exclusively at non-digital facilities that are compatible with the 70mm film. Unfortunately the Franklin Institute is the only one that fit the bill within driving distance. Overall, because I didn't care for the venue, the experience was below average. Oh well, it was only a preview...
Based on the viewing of this clip, I'd say the audio for this film (which still has a lot of post editing to be done) still needs a lot of work. The clip featured the beginning of the film, which is also the introduction of the main antagonist, Bane. Bane's voice was unintelligible 90% of the time. I could tell he had an accent and it sounded like he was shouting through a bullhorn. Other than that, I have very little idea what he was saying.
On the positive side, IMO Nolan's production quality is second to none. Whether you like his films or not, the guy pushes the envelope on every project he's involved with. The stunt they pulled off in this sequence was incredibly complex. The look, tone, and feel is on par with the previous films. As a HUGE fan of those films I'm excited about what I saw, and as a HUGE fan of the character, I'm enjoying the ride towards the conclusion of this trilogy.
Yeah I know, I'm a freak... :happy-smileygiantred: