Active Member
Watched "The Town" via DirectTV on demand. I think I went in with high expectations because I thought it was just okay. Some good action but the story lines were kind of weak (specifically the "romance" part of it).
Doghart said:Totally surprised by how much I liked this one, thought it was going to be a total dud.
Maybe because it's an action / suspense movie? I thought it was pretty good as its genre.goaliechris said:Some good action but the story lines were kind of weak (specifically the "romance" part of it).
Notice the names above the faces don't match. Graphic design flaw. :handgestures-thumbdown:
Batman said:T7, you're right that one flew under the radar! I recall seeing the trailer some time ago and was thinking it was yet to be released in theaters...did you see it on disc or is it still in theaters? I'm definitely interested based on the trailer and now you're positive review. (unless of course it got trashed locally there in Texas, that would explain why you liked it :happy-smileygiantred: )
I am that way too. I used to read reviews so as not to waste my time or money. I find myself now just making comparisons to reviews after the fact to see how my own judgments compare to "professional" critics (not that it makes a difference in me liking or not). I see so many movies by myself on rainy days that usually it just gives me something to do for a couple hours. About the only time I pay any mind to the review or lack there of, is when the studio knows the movie is SO bad they don't do a pre-screening for the media. That's a sure sign of a probable BOMB.Towen7 said:Batman said:T7, you're right that one flew under the radar! I recall seeing the trailer some time ago and was thinking it was yet to be released in theaters...did you see it on disc or is it still in theaters? I'm definitely interested based on the trailer and now you're positive review. (unless of course it got trashed locally there in Texas, that would explain why you liked it :happy-smileygiantred: )
Ha. I don't recall reading a review of It's Kind of a Funny Story. I tend not to read movie reviews for things I'm interested in until after I've seen the movie. It'll be released on disc on Feb. 8th.
While I feel your frustration and admire your principle, I can tell you that this TT compilation on BD is worth every penny of its $30 price.Botch said:I'm always a year behind on these compilations, because the MotoGP organization charges $34.99 for the current year, and I won't pay more than $20.
2009, and it still isn't in Surround Sound!