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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?

No-L said:
I think you mean Boyz II Men, but same difference!

If you think the Backstreet Boys are the same as Boyz II Men, you can leave your Soul Card on my porch and walk away in shame.
:crying-pink: :crying-pink: :crying-pink: :crying-pink: :crying-pink: :crying-pink: :crying-pink: :crying-pink:
:laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:
Zing the mere fact you know who either of those bands are and at the next GTG you can leave your "Man-Card" to be sacrificed in Chris's grill ........after he evicts whatever wild creature has taken up residence in there.
Just watched "Jaws" on Bluray. After the movie I watched how they remastered the picture and new 7.1 soundtrack. I do have to say the Bluray was the best I have ever seen this movie. I have the 25th anniversary DVD and that can't hold a candle to this remastered image. Although the image appeared soft at the beginning as the movie progressed the image became very clear. I was also impressed with the color rendition of the film as earlier Versions had a faded image. The sound although not as enveloping as recent movies considering they were using mono tracks to remaster the audio they did one heck of a job. In fact one scene made me jump and its a scene I know by heart. The scene when Hooper, Quint and Brody are getting drunk and are singing "show me the way to go home" and Bruce the shark strikes the side of the boat "Orca" it hit with such force it actually made me jump. The previous DVD never rendered that kind of forceful sound and made it more realistic. Kudos to the sound engineers on that one. Glad I re-purchased this gem of a movie.





I could go on for hours about how great it is, but you've all already seen it and you already know!!


Just finished this one - Dark Shadows - anyone else seen it? I thought it was entertaining, good cast, good filming. Maybe not the deepest most sophisticated movie ever, but it was fun!
I have been to both extremes this past week. I watched Dark Shadows and Prometheus. One fluff and fun and the other thought provoking and intense. Prometheus has some serious LFE.
PaulyT said:

Just finished this one - Dark Shadows - anyone else seen it? I thought it was entertaining, good cast, good filming. Maybe not the deepest most sophisticated movie ever, but it was fun!
Did you ever see the origional TV soap opera?
Nope, never heard of it, had no idea this movie was based on a tv series until the opening credits...
PaulyT said:
Nope, never heard of it, had no idea this movie was based on a tv series until the opening credits...
Being the old curmudgeon I remember it well.

A daily soap opera type show low production quality, it was not supposed to be humerous . I was in HS at the time and a few kids I knew were hooked. I thought it stunk.

I think in may be on NF streaming.
^ Speaking of NF, despite the negative rep it received recently, it has its benefits. They have so many older movies / shows in stock and available at couple clicks from your computer, it allowed me to check out some of forgotten classics.

Last night, I watched Lolita (1962 original, not 1997 remake). Black & white, mono.


I never pick romance movie by choice and this is the first ever. Only reason I did was because it was directed by Stanley Kubrick. All I can say is, "good sh!t". 1962! :eek: It kicks today's drama/romance/mystery movie's ass. Not only it's stunning that it came out in 1962, the acting and screenplay are superb!

Starting James Mason, it's got heavy hitters of the time or at least they became heavy hitters after this movie. Peter Sellers' acting was... incredible (too bad he didn't live long). Besides, I couldn't help noticing the identical moves (for lack of better word) from Robin Williams as if he copied Peter Sellers.
James Mason did a good job as he already was a well known actor by then but what shocked me was the performance of Sue Lyon who played the role of Lolita. She was 14 years old when she was cast for this movie and this kind of acting is to be expected from an experienced actress in her 30's at least. I couldn't believe my eyes! :scared-eek:

Anyways, I give this one and only romance movie I watched by choice 4 stars out of 5. If you guys or gal are into this genre, I would highly recommend it. This is one of those movies that set the precedent for the directors of the following generation. :eusa-clap:
Watched the Texas Chainsaw remake last night, awsome film.

Picked it up at Worst Buy on Blu while TV shoppin with the wife. Transfer is really great too.

Raiders of the Lost Ark - Blu-ray

A bit of a disappointment on this transfer and proof that just because something is on BD does not make it better.

First PQ - there is a strong red/color push on this film. So much so that I had to go and turn down the "color" setting on my TV by about 20% just to watch it. Something I never do. I have the set disc calibrated and am adaptable to different picture styles/formats but this was just a screw up.

At first I felt the SQ was very good. But after a while I realized there was too much LFE (sorry Matt it is possible). LFE where it just didn't fit.

And finally I was just bored with the film. Having seen it so many times over the years it just did not hold my interest.

If I watch it again it will be the DVD copy I have, much better.
^^ IMO, one of the most overrated series of films of all time. (My kids love 'em though).
Batman said:
^^ IMO, one of the most overrated series of films of all time. (My kids love 'em though).
It's a good movie for the first viewing. Then it becomes... you know...
I think the overrating stems from the distributors trying to milk it for their profit margin.
DIYer said:
Batman said:
^^ IMO, one of the most overrated series of films of all time. (My kids love 'em though).
It's a good movie for the first viewing. Then it becomes... you know...
I think the overrating stems from the distributors trying to milk it for their profit margin.

id have to agree to a certain extent, but i have to say tho, this is pretty much one of the basis for most treasure hunter movies we currently have.

the only one i hold dear is the last crusade, which of course, includes scotlands finest.

for what its worth, its a good er... babysitter.