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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?



Despite its unscientific concept or lack of realistic nature, it's a well edited movie and camera work is good. This Bluray disc has a problem with unwanted picture in picture coming up as commentary and it won't allow the feature to be turned off. I did online search and found out that it's a common problem with this BR disc. That kind of ruined some of the scenes. It's a sci-fi / horror and worth a rental if you are into spaceship movies.
3 stars out of 5 from me. It would have been 2 if it didn't have Rose Byrne in it.


watched this weekend. im glad that i bought it. its not the best of movies, at times, felt a bit 'b-movie-ish' but im glad i bought it tho.

its a great catch, and well, im happy its a good movie.

also currently watching get the gringo.

its promising, reminds me of old 'max payne'... amazing movie but im having a hard time listening to it.


good movie!
forgot to mention,

this movie we saw many years back, and i think hot monkey suggested this flick to me in good taste.

probably one of the movies i can horridly remember, like matt b describes audition...

definitely something for the holidays so to speak.

no need to describe it, you can google it if you want, but based on my 'suggestions' in the past, im sure youd like it.

Saw this yesterday. Great movie. I am a big fan of British movies full of dark humor (or humour), violence and plot twists.


Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

It starts out silly ( as the premise would suggest ) and just gets worse.

From a historian's viewpoint it verges on the sacreligous, especially the way they tie in the Gettysburg Address. My big fear is that there are some knuckleheads that will think this is the way it went down.
mzpro5 said:
My big fear is that there are some knuckleheads that will think this is the way it went down.
There never is a shortage of those in real life, unfortunately.
so lincoln never was a vampire hunter? :happy-smileygiantred:

kidding aside, i have to brush up on my history then. i also just got Assassins Creed 3 which is based on early America, heck with Benjamin Franklin as my first character i met.

Anyone seen Son of No One with channing titum?

Rent or return?
Been something of a stressful week, so decided on a little light entertainment this evening... :eek:


It's been probably 15 years since I've watched this movie. But The Wall is the rock album that I'm probably most familiar with, one of the first CD sets I got in the mid-80's when CDs were first coming out, though I'm pretty sure I actually had it on record first; I vaguely remember a record-size album art booklet. Anyway, I know all the lyrics, sound effects, etc., on this album, to great and intimate detail. I remember having an argument with a good friend in college about whether you needed to know the movie to understand the album (his opinion) or whether you needed to know the album lyrics to understand the movie (mine) - I still think I'm right :laughing: but he had a point, there's a lot that's made more explicit when you see the movie. And the parallel between rock fans and mindless sheep following a political party has not lost its potency as a metaphor.

PaulyT said:
Anyway, I know all the lyrics, sound effects, etc., on this album, to great and intimate detail. I remember having an argument with a good friend in college about whether you needed to know the movie to understand the album (his opinion) or whether you needed to know the album lyrics to understand the movie (mine) - I still think I'm right :laughing: but he had a point, there's a lot that's made more explicit when you see the movie. And the parallel between rock fans and mindless sheep following a political party has not lost its potency as a metaphor.
This album came out my junior year in college, and I listened to it, entirely, every single night on headphones; I too know it like the back of my hand.
However, I've never seen the movie. :shock: Guess I need to add it to my "cart".
My brother took me to a midnight showing of The Wall when I was about 13 and it was confusing. Then I discovered love and heartbreak and booze and the movie made a lot more sense then I discovered drugs and the movie made even more sense. Saw the movie about two years ago and not on drugs or booze and no heartbreak so I was just as confused.
PaulyT said:
Watched Kick Ass again tonight, just for the fun of it. Great movie!

I watched Kick Ass tonight for the first time. It was much better than I expected. The really cool part is that it was the was the topper on a Kick Ass night and that I got to see it in a Kick Ass home theater with a couple of Kick Ass friends.
Towen7 said:
I watched Kick Ass tonight for the first time. It was much better than I expected. The really cool part is that it was the was the topper on a Kick Ass night and that I got to see it in a Kick Ass home theater with a couple of Kick Ass friends.
That sounds like a great time. I wish I had been there. Instead, I saw it in a make-shift pretend wannabe theater with a bunch of nerds and dorks. :teasing-tease:
Zing said:
Towen7 said:
I watched Kick Ass tonight for the first time. It was much better than I expected. The really cool part is that it was the was the topper on a Kick Ass night and that I got to see it in a Kick Ass home theater with a couple of Kick Ass friends.
That sounds like a great time. I wish I had been there. Instead, I saw it in a make-shift pretend wannabe theater with a bunch of nerds and dorks. :teasing-tease:

Wait you had another Moderator GTG and didn't tell us. :happy-smileygiantred:
MatthewB said:
Just watched the most fucked up movie on Netflix called "Audition" a Japanese subtitled movie. I just heard about this movie after reading an online article about the ten creepiest female villains in film history and recognized 9 out of the 10 but never heard of "Audition" so checked Netflix and sure enough it's on instant watch. Story goes this father who has a young son loses his wife and now it's seven years later and the son encourages his dad to remarry because he seems sad. Well the father who works for a film production company and his partner decide to hold an "Audition" for a movie that will never be made just so they can interview and meet potential "wives" for the main character. Unknown to them they interview a female with a very sick and twisted past who is very beautiful but who does things that made me actually cringe and say out loud, "Oh God no, now that is fucked up". GF said the best part of watching that movie was seeing me wince and cringe during it. This movie has by far the creepiest character of any movie I have ever seen and my ankles still twinge just thinking of one scene in the movie. This movie is not for those who get disturbed easy but boy my GF sure loved it. Said it gave her ideas. :scared-eek: The first hour are pretty slow but Whoa Mama the second hour is one hell of a scary ride. Highly recommend this one but it is one fucked up chilling movie.

I can't embed YouTube on my iPad but here's the trailer link.


watched this one again recently, just for good times sake.

now i remember why i puked a little bit when i saw it.

it wasnt the gore, nor the violence towards the end.

it was that f*cking voice...

kirri kirri kirri...'deeper deeper deeper'...

for those with a weak stomach be forewarned,

thanks matt. that one made me want to cut my toenails all of a sudden.

Jomari I totally agree. It's been over a week now and I'm still thinking of that movie. Most movies I forget after seeing em and if its good a few days. Audition was so creepy I'm still thinking of it. And you are so right when she whispers "Kirri, Kirri, Kirri" just the creepiest thing I've heard and seen. :scared-eek:
MatthewB said:
Zing said:
Towen7 said:
I watched Kick Ass tonight for the first time. It was much better than I expected. The really cool part is that it was the was the topper on a Kick Ass night and that I got to see it in a Kick Ass home theater with a couple of Kick Ass friends.
That sounds like a great time. I wish I had been there. Instead, I saw it in a make-shift pretend wannabe theater with a bunch of nerds and dorks. :teasing-tease:

Wait you had another Moderator GTG and didn't tell us. :happy-smileygiantred:

jomari said:
forgot to mention,

this movie we saw many years back, and i think hot monkey suggested this flick to me in good taste.

probably one of the movies i can horridly remember, like matt b describes audition...

definitely something for the holidays so to speak.

no need to describe it, you can google it if you want, but based on my 'suggestions' in the past, im sure youd like it.

One of my all time faves!!