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Search results

  1. The DirtMerchant

    TCL 98" TV...at Costco for $1499

    Comes with: Allstate 3-Year Protection Plan Bundle Included for 5 Years of Total Coverage* $100 Google Play Redemption Included Includes a Handy Premier - 2 Person TV Mounting Service with In-wall Wire Concealment in Cart They'll hang it for you? And give you a 5 year protection plan? Is this...
  2. The DirtMerchant

    New to me HR824 on the way

    I only have 4.1 speakers (Front L/R and Rear L/R and the sub). I know...what kind of A/V Enthusiast/Audio Annexer am I? One that never got around to buying the front channel. I haven't thought about it much in the last decade honestly. But watching Civil War in the theater was...aurally, pretty...
  3. The DirtMerchant

    How to attach speakers to stands

    I had 6" DIY PVC tube stands for well over a decade along with MDF platforms for the base and speaker plate with screws holding the plate to the speakers. With the recent flood in my basement the MDF got soaked and malformed. Thus no longer usable. I bought some Monoprice stands from Amazon...
  4. The DirtMerchant

    Good budget way to connect Bluetooth and/or WiFi audio to my old receiver

    Any have a good budget recommendation to connect Bluetooth/WiFi audio to my (new to me!) Onkyo TX-NR708? I've seen these...
  5. The DirtMerchant


    Apparently, Die Hard (is it really a Christmas movie?) is playing in AMC Theatres for the Christmas Season! Going to make an effort to watch it. This is pretty awesome.
  6. The DirtMerchant

    Looking for new Processor/Receiver w/ RCA speaker connects (for Mackie HR824)

    I have my Anthem AVM 30...but at this point (wow, 18 years!) its time to get something with HDMI switching. Definitely want to keep it as low on the budget I can, but still have what I need. Rec's for a Processor/Receiver with RCA pre-out speaker connects?
  7. The DirtMerchant

    My basement is down to the studs...what do I add?

    Situation...my basement flooded. Everything is out down to the studs. Floors, walls and drop ceiling all being replaced. Caveat: I going to spend almost all of my budget to get it "back to what it was", so no big projects like adding an angled wall or double insulation and double sheetrock...
  8. The DirtMerchant

    TV - Wall Mount Height and Angle?

    I have a 65" TV in my Living Room. Currently sitting 10' 9" away (from eyes to screen. The TV sits on a 32" high cabinet. At the moment sitting back on the couch my eyes are at about 32-36" from the ground. So my head or anyone's head is tilted back and...I think its not comfortable. I feel like...
  9. The DirtMerchant

    Speakers for bedroom TV?

    Haywood's post about "mediocre speakers on purpose" piqued my interest. I was recently thinking about this kind of speaker, excellent timing on his post (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0719C132V?ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details&th=1). Since I moved (coming up on 3 years) and expanded the number of...
  10. The DirtMerchant

    Friend looking for...Projector and Screen for on a boat...but small!

    This is an odd one, but...they live on a boat (unsure of the size). They would like the portability of a projector and screen that can be rolled up (back into its "container" or actually rolled up) and put away and the projector can be stored. This will be used for regular viewing inside the...
  11. The DirtMerchant

    Office / Bedroom Sound Deadening...?

    So my office, in which I work and take conference calls, and have a gaming PC so my son uses regularly...and is on Discord/Game Chats is adjacent to my bedroom. My son yelling about Fortnite or Rust or Valorant or Discord while we're trying to watch TV is...moderately bothersome. What can I do...
  12. The DirtMerchant

    Apparently I need headphones...with a mic...for my child

    OK. Looks like I need to get some headphones w/ a mic for my son for school. Plenty come up on Amazon, but...figured I would ask here...because this is an A/V forum right? Not just a politics discussion place... Anyway...wired, as they won't be able to charge in school. Inexpensive...because I...
  13. The DirtMerchant

    RAD...in 4K

    I was born in '76. So I was 8 or 9 when this came out. Have no idea if it played in a theater or if it was direct to video...but.. I'm not afraid to admit. I LOVED THIS MOVIE. I clearly remember my older brother betting me I couldn't say every line of the movie (along with the movie playing)...
  14. The DirtMerchant

    Pull Tubes? *Pause*

    Curious, what does one use for setting up wire run tubing so I can avoid future snags/dips/turns/drills and just do it once? Regular 2" PVC or something?
  15. The DirtMerchant

    DIY...Outdoor shed?

    This isn't HT stuff...but figured I'd put it in the DIY section. Anyone build a shed? and have their plans? I'd like to fit in the lawnmower, a wheelbarrow, various other garden tools, some outdoor seating. Trying to price out a DIY version vs a whole purchase...and I need directions on the...
  16. The DirtMerchant

    Mad World

  17. The DirtMerchant

    DIY - Network/Wiring my house

    Not a big project, but I want to run a Cat6 cable and phone line from my office to my router that is in another room. I have a drop ceiling basement and am planning to drop the wires into the basement, across and back up to the other room. I don´t have any holes large enough currently to fit...
  18. The DirtMerchant

    Bluejeanscable? 25ft HDMI...and shipping?

    Anyone order recently from Bluejeans? I need a 25ft HDMI cable. Any experience with their BJC Series-3 Active HDMI Cable? And, maybe more importantly...is the shipping all messed up? Are they functioning under the Covid-19 issues...
  19. The DirtMerchant

    Cheapest Bang for Buck drop down (or whatever) projector screen.

    So, I found an HD projector that had been stored away and unused for several years that a family member had handed over to me. With our recent (ok 1 year) move, a lot of things have resurfaced. The projector works well. Currently trying it out on the wall of my basement that is painted...
  20. The DirtMerchant

    Cat7 Ethernet Cable?

    I'm looking for a 50ft or so Cat6 cable on Amazon and came across Cat7 cable... What is Cat7? Flint mentioned in a thread when I searched that Cat8 would be able to power some electronics or something...what is difference between Cat5/6/7/8?