Sorry for the lack of progress. The main issue was that i've been traveling for work and haven't been home very much the past two weeks.
The other issue is that we got a little bit of water under the dricore in the area near the floor drain in the basement (as mentioned in the "Weather" thread in MISC). This happened during 1 storm, during which we got something like 4" of rain in less than 12 hours. I opened up the riser (sorry, no pic yet) to access the floor drain, and there was some water sitting on top of the roofing felt i had laid down to put the riser on. I cut away the felt above the drain, and all the water went away. There was also another area in the middle of the floor not far from the drain/riser where there is a slight low spot in the floor, that had obviously collected some water. So i cut that Dricore panel out, soaked up a little water, and ran a fan until it was dry. This pic is right after removing the panel.
I have two theories: 1) water came up from the floor drain, spread out a bit, then got caught on top of the felt and in the low spot. 2) All (or some of) those little holes i drilled to fill with Tapcon screws to hold the Dricore panels down leaked water during the storm. As it turns out, our slab is only ~2" thick, so this may be possible.
Either way, what i've decided to do is install a sump pit/basin. I will dig down and place a 2' deep basin in one corner of the basement (by the water valves and hot water heater in my floor plan). I will then watch and see if we get water in it. If so, i'll put a sump pump in the basin. If no water collects over the next couple weeks, i'll just cover the pit, but leave it accessible so i can throw a small submersible pump in there, connected to a garden hose, if the need ever arises.
So in addition to jackhammering, I'll also be cleaning out gutters tomorrow, and ensuring proper drainage/grading around the house.
THEN, i can get back to laying the laminate.