Yeah it was you who introduced me to them on a road trip up to (or maybe back from) Zing's. I have all three of their albums now, which I revisit every few years. There's some very interesting musical things going on in this first album at least that I didn't recall; gotta listen to the others now.^^ I’m a big fan of The Sundays! When I worked at a car dealership as an apprentice I commuted back and forth for months with them in my CD player. I was just telling my son Zach in the car about an hour ago how much I loved Harriet Wheeler’s voice, what a coincidence.
Yep I like themMy cousin recently turned me on to this one.
This is the description i found for the album:
Full of slow-burning, arousing rock and pop-rock anthems, Lost Friends is reminiscent of the coming-of-age music of the late ’80s and ’90s. It is filled with boisterous choruses, catchy riffs, and moving and passionate stories.