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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?

did you like it tho walls?

i wonder if others even seen it tho.

it CAN be a bit er... 'upsetting' but its a great movie.

twist your brain kinda movie. like a good christopher nolan movie without all the hype and bells and whistles. just phoenomenal storytelling.

am currently watching and trying to finish Alexander the Great with Colin Farrell.


i wonder how much ball slappin there was in his army.

anyways, a bit too much for me, but im just straining to see it thru.

Mzpro, did you ever go thru world history and the meso period?

Iron Sky

I predict this will go down in film history as a great "bad" movie.

Nazis on the moon. Invading Earth. Sarah Palin look a like President. What else do you need?

And one seriously hot little blond Nazi chick.

I rented it but have already ordered it from Amazon.

EDIT: And I should add the PQ is pretty good and the SQ is very good. some very nice LFE.

Petey says two and a half paws but that's because like Lt. Aldo Raine Petey hates Nahhtzzis

That nazi blond can go "Dr. Mengele on me anytime. :text-bravo:

Matt who fears she'd ask me to take a "shower" first though. :scared-yipes:

One of the most brilliant movies ever made. This took the art of dry humor, real life irony, and extreme close to the chest humor to a level I cannot recal in any movie, ever. You have to pay attention to the little details of the plot, words, and even expressions of each actor to get the humor. I love it!

They don't make movies like that anymore. Today they talk down to you. We are too stupid to get the joke if they don't make it obvious, repeat it a few times, and refer back to it over and over to make sure we didn't miss it. I hate most modern comedy cinema.

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Just got done watching this and I really liked it. The origin/backstory is a bit different than the origional comic book but not enough to spoil anything. In fact some things are more true to the comic book than the Sam Raimi version. I always thought the Raimi version to be a bit saccharin. This one avoids that.

And I know everyone was centered on that POV clip circulating but those type shots were very few and far between.

Was a rental but a definite purchase.

Petey gives it five paws up.

mzpro5 said:

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

Just got done watching this and I really liked it. The origin/backstory is a bit different than the origional comic book but not enough to spoil anything. In fact some things are more true to the comic book than the Sam Raimi version. I always thought the Raimi version to be a bit saccharin. This one avoids that.

And I know everyone was centered on that POV clip circulating but those type shots were very few and far between.

Was a rental but a definite purchase.

Petey gives it five paws up.


great review buddy! im going to rent it first... not really a big spidey fan...
got to see this last night, and im a bit surprised and a bit er, disjointed at the same time.

confusing? yes, a bit i guess.

for what its worth, its a reboot, i knew that already, i also knew that the story was going to change a bit. i understand that, i also understand that at one point or another, the roots would still remain intact and 'familiar' to the comic book fan.

disclaimer: im not a big spidey fan, im sure that stan lee would be upset of me saying so (i met him in person a couple of years ago, wonderful gentleman, but hey, who hasnt right? - i mean, i got to share a drink or two and hang out with him for a day or two :happy-smileygiantred: )...

anyways, im not familiar with the original storyline, so i cant say the originality of this film.

for what its worth, i think that its refreshing that they did it in such 'style' and i bet that stan lee and others appreciated its new approach. are the roots close to what the original was? sure. but i also saw a familiar face and family. i appreciate that too. :)

there was one thing i didnt like tho, but understood at the same time.


hmm. maybe i should post this in some other thread, but if ever, it does affect the storyline. anyways, will post later on, based on peoples reaction to it or the movie. will just get back to this later on when everyone else has watched it.

in the end, i liked the movie. i liked the actor who portrayed spidey, i er, thought it was a bit more on the younger end, but also that he was a very emotional one. not a bad thing this time, but well worth it. i hope that this continues to be a better spidey movie. or better yet, some movies are better left untouched.
I liked Spiderman 2 alot but honestly didnt care much for the first or third one. And it didnt help that the guy that played him (TOBY?) drives me nuts.

I found this one much better, much closer to the comic Spidey and quite a better lead actor.

Not sure if he is Avengers quality though...
Weekend viewings:

A lot of gratuitous, immature humor - just as I expected. Lots of laughs!

I really enjoyed this one. It was low key and somewhat slow moving, but I wasn't expecting much. I ended up really enjoying the story.

This one was REALLY GOOD! I enjoyed the story, the action, and especially the cast. WELL DONE!
Willis, Dawson and Duhamel were excellent. Not sure why Donofrio didn't get his picture on the cover or more press. He is brilliantly creepy.

i had mixed feelings about this one, so i tried to just create a thread on it instead. great movie tho in certain aspects.
^^ I would like to see that eventually. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was in Kick-Ass in the lead role, I'd like to see the transition from that role to this...
Batman said:
^^ I would like to see that eventually. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was in Kick-Ass in the lead role, I'd like to see the transition from that role to this...

so THATS where hes from! i knew he was familiar!

you'll like this movie, its not the best, but i dont want to give away the plot or anything.

I have to say tho, its NOT an action movie in the true sense of the word. and no, blowing up stuff and going surreal on me means its action. RED is an action flick, but Losers comes to mind when you put it on steroids.
just finished up brave,


wasnt what i thought it would be, but that can always lead to a surprising movie.

i thought it would be an archers movie.

anyways, its a great movie, but id have to say, a tad short clocking in at one hour and a half.

pretty entertaining, very good and SOLID storyline, awesome actors and actresses.

i bought it, and despite its length the extras alone make it worth every single peso.
^^ although IMO not pixar's best effort the in the story dept, I thought the animation was among the best I've EVER seen.
Batman said:
^^ although IMO not pixar's best effort the in the story dept, I thought the animation was among the best I've EVER seen.

very, very true. i think it was definitely another one to beat as a demo disc.

water aspects, the hair, the landscape. i didnt really like the bear movements that much (you will see why if you watch it), but man, the horse, amazingly done! you can actually see the horses coating and the bears fur!

if ever you purchase it, please go thru the extras, THAT alone, is worth it.

spoiler alert:

viewed their short movie, la luna which is a bonus film. cried like a baby.
forgot to mention,

i watched this last monday, and missed my so you can dance crap we always watched at my sisters house,


Joyful noise.

Yes, it looks like a christian film, but its more or less about the music, the spirit behind church choirs, and well, a good heartfelt movie. like watching those lifetime movies.

i think its a great thanksgiving flick, some of the songs are nice, and some moments give the back of your neck hair standing kinda moments - like seeing dolly parton's choir dress compared to everyone elses. or her 2012 model face.

anyways, its still a good watch. if you can watch the lifetime network movies from time to time while you do your laundry.

*and i remove my man card badge off my neck, handing it to batman.
Caught a couple of comedies this weekend.

First one was Cedar Rapids, which stars Ed Helms, John C Reilly, Anne Heche, and others. John C Reilly was hilarious in this. I would consider this an awkward comedy about a coming of age for a 40 something. Never have been a fan of Anne Heche, but she looked good in this.


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Nest up was Sunset Strip, which is a slightly older film, and is about the music scene of 1972, sort of. I didn't enjoy this one as much as Cedar Rapids, but the music was groovy, and you never really care much about the characters. If you are into period pieces, then you might enjoy this one.


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jomari said:
just finished up brave,


wasnt what i thought it would be, but that can always lead to a surprising movie.

i thought it would be an archers movie.

anyways, its a great movie, but id have to say, a tad short clocking in at one hour and a half.

pretty entertaining, very good and SOLID storyline, awesome actors and actresses.

i bought it, and despite its length the extras alone make it worth every single peso.

Thoroughly enjoyed it with my Grandson. I think the Disney/Pixar combination took both companies to a new level.

I really liked when the witch's cauldron exploded. The LFE should my house and my bones.