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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?

Just saw Jack Reacher what a slooooow movie. Worthy of a rental at best. Saw it for free and still almost fell asleep during it. The trailer is nothing indicative of how this movie is. I felt this could be a made for cable type movie. One you DVR'D then watch and forget afterwards.


Good movie. One of the better action movies I've seen in recent years. I heard that Joseph Gordon-Levitt wore prosthetic on his face to make him look close to Bruce Willis. Meh, it didn't work that well but his acting of BW's worked out better.

The moral of the story is basically the future isn't predetermined, it's shaped by what you do in the present. BW has been in time travel movie before (Twelve Monkeys) and he fit in well.

Interesting view of the near future, poverty seems norm and yet the bad guys and the authorities have the high tech gadgets.

Emily Blunt looks darn good.

Overall very entertaining. 4 stars out of 5 from me. :handgestures-thumbupright:
Does anyone else like this one from the past???? Was able to pick it up on BR a couple of weeks ago and had a chance to watch last night......

heeman said:
Does anyone else like this one from the past???? Was able to pick it up on BR a couple of weeks ago and had a chance to watch last night......


Just bought that a couple of weeks ago in the $7.88 bin at Walmart. I haven't watched it yet, but had seen it before and really like it. Besides, any movie that blows the hand off of Jack Black can't be all bad! :happy-smileygiantred:
the main thing people made fun of in that movie was bruce willis' toupees...

watched a goodie yesterday before hitting the afternoon siesta...



My parents never wanted to let me watch this movie, and now i know with good intent. its not at all that violent, but i guess it was graphic when it came to nudity and the dominance of coitus.

Also watched clockwork orange,


not bad, but i guess i was in a blah mood yesterday.
heeman said:
Does anyone else like this one from the past???? Was able to pick it up on BR a couple of weeks ago and had a chance to watch last night......


Heeman the original was a far far superior and more suspenful movie "Day of the Jackal" is on Netflix and deals with the attempt to kill Charles de Gaulle. Excellent movie. This remake pales in comparison.
DIYer said:


Good movie. One of the better action movies I've seen in recent years. I heard that Joseph Gordon-Levitt wore prosthetic on his face to make him look close to Bruce Willis. Meh, it didn't work that well but his acting of BW's worked out better.

The moral of the story is basically the future isn't predetermined, it's shaped by what you do in the present. BW has been in time travel movie before (Twelve Monkeys) and he fit in well.

Interesting view of the near future, poverty seems norm and yet the bad guys and the authorities have the high tech gadgets.

Emily Blunt looks darn good.

Overall very entertaining. 4 stars out of 5 from me. :handgestures-thumbupright:

I saw this last weekend too. I thought it was pretty good. Interesting story and outcome. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is really becoming one of my favorite actors and I always enjoy Bruce. Well done flick.
Huey said:
heeman said:
Does anyone else like this one from the past???? Was able to pick it up on BR a couple of weeks ago and had a chance to watch last night......


Just bought that a couple of weeks ago in the $7.88 bin at Walmart. I haven't watched it yet, but had seen it before and really like it. Besides, any movie that blows the hand off of Jack Black can't be all bad! :happy-smileygiantred:

I really like this movie. I've seen it a lot. In fact we watched on the telly just a couple weeks ago.
And yes, Huey, the scenes with Bruce and Jack are badass!
I finally got around to seeing The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo last weekend. Yup. It's just as good as most people report!
'Nuff said.

Oh yeah...except to mention that Daniel Craig is totally dreamy...

This was a hidden gem!! Loved it. Not an action-packed movie. It's a drama, but there are enough unexpected things happening to keep your interest. I was VERY pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.
Has anybody else seen it?
No-L said:
This was a hidden gem!! Loved it. Not an action-packed movie. It's a drama, but there are enough unexpected things happening to keep your interest. I was VERY pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie.
Has anybody else seen it?

Yes, I watched it on a flight to Hong Kong (or on a flight home, cannot remember). I generally liked it, but it got on my nerves a few times with the "greedy business savvy" brother made obviously stupid and illogical decisions which were not really in character. His character was not believable to me and it grated on my nerves.
Bourne Legacy


Not bad. It's got a good pace and unlike other Bourne series, the story took a different turn. I find it interesting because I'm into nutrition and fitness subject. Some may find it boring.

As mentioned by someone already, motorcycle action was over the top but not too bad. What I thought was a miss was

(spoiler alert)
the lack of 1-on-1 fight between Aaron Cross and that Asian dude. That could have been a good Karate action... :(

Decent overall action flick. 3.5 stars out of 5 from me.
This was on TCM last nite:

A comic book come to lfe. You get can see where DC got the inspiration for Ra's al Ghul amoing other things.
Just watched "Zero Dark Thirty". Interesting movie. Drawn out and informative but worth a watch. Wouldn't buy it when it comes out but a rental.

Movie comes out in theaters tomorrow.
Just finished watching Django Unchained. What an awesome movie Jaime Foxx brings the "cool" back into what most movie characters have been lacking. Three hour movie but it moves at a quick pace and you don't even realize the movie is that long. Worth watching.
I agree. I saw Django Unchained over the holidays. Hysterically funny and violent movie at the same time. I guess you could call it a splatter comedy. Jamie was awesome. Don Johnson reminds me of Col. Sanders. And the bounty hunter (for the life of me I can't remember his name) provided many laughs with his demeanor.
garypf the actor was Christoph Waltz who also did a fabulous job as the Nazi in "Inglorious Bastards".

Judge Dredd

While the first one was promising, it left somewhat a bitter aftertaste in what was supposed to be a gritty, dirty dystopia of a future we know for judge dredd.

instead, we get stallones version: clean cut, wierd demolition man 90's pumped version of Megacity,

so, its this:


versus comic version this:

and now this:

with respect to the first version, i am a bit biased because it was my first time to ever watch a full blown THX certified movie back in my day, and in true DTS fashion i am introduced to the 'robot' and the cow toy. i LOVED certain scenes in it, but didnt care much, actually puked a bit when i saw how '90's' it felt.

anyways, fast forward to today.

just finished this, and meekly at almost sad, sad volumes. but man, if you have one of em polk or klipsch subs, you better turn them off. this is probably the first time i was hoping i owned a TRUE sub like a hsu, psa, svs etc.

technicalities first,

this ones beautiful.

PQ is absolutely gorgeous in my book, despite the 2:40 sizing (yes, i prefer the 1:85 setting thank you very much), and man, seeing some scenes while drug induced, is amazing.

AQ - simply better. the first one was and is always going to be close to my heart, but man, this one rips it apart. like a flippin hemorroid with the runs kinda feel. you know what i mean. those enchalada nights you KNOW it aint fresh meat.

Storyline - my wife mentioned it was a bit shallow, but i liked it. simple, yet effective. a twist here and there, but nothing fancy. good good good in my book. like a playboy magazine, im just here to oogle and not ponder on details i dont need. (nope, i too, am a fan of penthouse compared to the aristocraty feel of playboys)

in a quicky version?

Buy it.

keywords or hashtags for you mofo's who like memes and sh*t...

broken teeth.
dirty pee stained hallways.
older, black wrinkled and tearing up a bit leather.
karl urban.

Nuff said.

perfect picture is worth a thousand words for this movie?

DVR'd this from the free previews on DirecTV last weekend.......

It had it funny moments, however not a good as we expected!

DIYer said:
In the spirit of this thread by Barney, I decided to post something related to audio.

I watched the special feature (surprisingly it was included on BD rental disc) came with Looper. There is a part on Looper score. If you have a disc and into audio stuff, you gotta see it. The engineer recorded all sorts of common and industrial noises and turned them into background music. It's really cool!