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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?

Just saw "Life of Pi" Ang Lee's visually stunning movie. I was just captivated by the visual scenery throughout the movie but the story was fantastic. One of the most original stories ( something Hollywood has been lacking). Now I won't say how I saw this movie but will say when it comes out on Blu it is a definite must buy for me. Even my GF was crying during the movie and just loved the story.
jomari said:
Judge Dredd

While the first one was promising, it left somewhat a bitter aftertaste in what was supposed to be a gritty, dirty dystopia of a future we know for judge dredd.

instead, we get stallones version: clean cut, wierd demolition man 90's pumped version of Megacity,

so, its this:


versus comic version this:

and now this:

with respect to the first version, i am a bit biased because it was my first time to ever watch a full blown THX certified movie back in my day, and in true DTS fashion i am introduced to the 'robot' and the cow toy. i LOVED certain scenes in it, but didnt care much, actually puked a bit when i saw how '90's' it felt.

anyways, fast forward to today.

just finished this, and meekly at almost sad, sad volumes. but man, if you have one of em polk or klipsch subs, you better turn them off. this is probably the first time i was hoping i owned a TRUE sub like a hsu, psa, svs etc.

technicalities first,

this ones beautiful.

PQ is absolutely gorgeous in my book, despite the 2:40 sizing (yes, i prefer the 1:85 setting thank you very much), and man, seeing some scenes while drug induced, is amazing.

AQ - simply better. the first one was and is always going to be close to my heart, but man, this one rips it apart. like a flippin hemorroid with the runs kinda feel. you know what i mean. those enchalada nights you KNOW it aint fresh meat.

Storyline - my wife mentioned it was a bit shallow, but i liked it. simple, yet effective. a twist here and there, but nothing fancy. good good good in my book. like a playboy magazine, im just here to oogle and not ponder on details i dont need. (nope, i too, am a fan of penthouse compared to the aristocraty feel of playboys)

in a quicky version?

Buy it.

keywords or hashtags for you mofo's who like memes and sh*t...

broken teeth.
dirty pee stained hallways.
older, black wrinkled and tearing up a bit leather.
karl urban.

Nuff said.

perfect picture is worth a thousand words for this movie?


We saw this over the weekend.

^ Saw it too over the weekend.

It was ok, to me. Decent actions but not much of depth in story. Actions and camera work seem to be made for 3-D. I can see it getting high praise from the followers (said to be more true to comic book than Stallone's version) but for the masses, it may get the same reaction as mine. R rating allowed more gory scenes but with some editing it could have easily turned into PG-13 for higher box office score.

3 stars out of 5 from me.
Had a friend over for some Audio/Video Fun.........he had never seen this one......what a blast!!!

Finally got to watch this for the first time.....WOW what a great job they did!! :text-bravo:

Just saw on Netflix a movie called "Butter" oh my Lord what a dark dark comedy. I have never felt so guilty about laughing so hard. Movie has a lot of stars. Jennifer Garner, Hugh Jackman, Olivia Wilde (as a hot ass stripper whose scenes alone were worth watching this), Alicia Silverstone and a few other stars. Story is about a butter sculpting competition and what people will do to win. Btw there is a great lesbian scene with Olivia). Also funny seeing these stars and the language and parts they play. Think you guys will really enjoy this one if your into dark comedies.
Yeah her stripping and spreading wide open scenes are jaw dropping but her lesbian scenes were OHMYGOD!!! Stay for the credits some hilarious bloopers especially Olivia riding a bike. The scene with Hugh Jackman praying to God was LOL hilarious.
Thanks Matt. I just finished watching. Good movie. Certainly went under the radar. Good cast. Liked the kid. Never heard of her, but a good little actor. I see she was in Salt. Don't remember.
Hmmmm. I just got done watching Butter, as well. I must be one twisted individual, because I didn't find it to be a "dark comedy". I just thought it was a comedy. Lol
Great movie. Olivia's thirty seconds on the stripper pole are the finest thirty seconds in my recent history. :angelic-green:
Gooooood lord, she's hawt!!
I don't know some dark scenes like Jennifer's depiction of the Kennedy Assisination in butter that's pretty dark. Or the fact her husband created one of Schindlers List. Some dark humor all throughout the movie like the things Olivia whispered in the one guys ear as she was dry humping him for rent money. Yeah No-L think you must be twisted. :text-bravo:
Taken 2,

hmm. difficult to say. as always there are high expectations, considering how unique this was in the day, and i prided myself in introducing this to a couple of members/colleagues.

it felt different, but also saw that they tried to push the adrenaline with the whole bourne identity soundtrack feel to it. it was great, but anticlimatic in a number of ways.

you already know the outcome, you already know what happens, its just a matter of how fun this rollercoaster was going to feel despite being taken on a ride the first time.

rental in my book, but im biased as many were.
I watched Taken 2 this past weekend. Enjoyed it. No thinking entertainment, with lots of things blowing up is a great way to spend a Saturday night. Also, watching Liam Neeson do what "I do best" is OK with me.
I saw Taken Two too.
It was alright. Other than the fact that I wanted to smack the wife character and almost decided the family was better if she WERE taken. Lol.
Other than that minor annoyance, it was a good flick.
My wife got this through Netflix. I thoroughly enjoyed this film! All-star cast - Frances McDormand, Bill Murray, Bob Balaban, Edward Norton, Harvey Keitel. The ones who stole the movie were the two main characters - and I can't remember their names.


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Watched this Zach Braff flick the other night...to quickly summarize, its about a guy in his late 20s-early 30s in a relationship and expecting a child and is confused about the next steps in life. He makes a few mistakes while contemplating what's next. I was hoping for lightning in a bottle a la Garden State (one of my all time faves) but it ultimately winds up being average or slightly above. It does have a great cast, good soundtrack, and some funny/crude moments but also has some predictable moments that are kind of cliché....it's about a 6/10 for me.

This particular Mel Brooks film slipped thru the cracks, saw it for $3.99 on Black Friday, just now watching it.
There is no quicksand in the desert southwest. Or Count Basie. :roll:
Botch you've never seen Blazing Saddles that movie is comedy at its finest. Too bad we are so PC that a movie like this can never be made today.

"Where the white Woman at". Matt
I was kinda chuckling at how, yeah, they could never pull this off today. :)