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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?


OMG was this terrible. Just awful.
I actually liked the man with the iron fists. Sure you leave your brain at the door but I liked its mindless action.
Haven't watched any movies this weekend, because Lisa and I have been binge-watching The Borgias. We're halfway through Season 2.


Meh... This one tried to have emotion as the new ingredient. It was weak, IMO. And too many slow moments. Could have been better if it shaved off 15 minutes. In the final action, too many things squeezed into little room left after almost 2 hours of explanations.

Sorry fans, it gets 2.5 stars out of 5 from me. :-|
Star Trek - Into Darkness

Much better than Iron Man 3!!!
Very good pace and entertaining from beginning to end. Except for the recycled scene which I thought was silly. That scene may have been fine for the new fans who have not seen the older ST movies. Very good picture and audio quality. A lots of demo worthy materials. It's a "buy" for me.

3.5 stars (would have been 4 if it wasn't for the recycled scene) out of 5 from me. :handgestures-thumbupright:
Well since I have time off and wanted something dark and violent, plus the kids are in school so I can blast it as loud as I want, figured I'd finally get around to seeing this:


Damn. Y'all know I'm as much a pacifist as anyone, but Tarantino's ability to get me to smile and even laugh at violent death is uncanny. And the scene with the lynch mob whining about the holes in their masks was the most hysterical thing I've seen in a long time.

Good movie. Not necessarily something I want to watch over and over, but really well done.
Ugh... sorry, some cookie issue. Yes, Django Unchained.

And I also just finished Iron Man 3. Ok, but I don't have as much to say about it as Django.
Europa Report


I've heard some praises so I decided to give it a try. I would say it's about 75% sci-fi and 25% horror movie. It's pretty good if you like this type (space travel) of movie.

The story is about a mission to one of Jupiter's moons, Europa which is covered with ice. The scientists speculated that underneath that ice, there is water and when there is water, there is a chance that the life form can exist. This movie has good amount of homage paid to currently known space science and the special effects are good to a point of being indistinguishable from the real NASA footage of space missions. It was entertaining. As for the audio, there isn't anything really outstanding but the surrounds are decent.

3.5 stars out of 5 from me. It would have been 4 if the ending was little more complex.
Watched Die Hard tonight, wife had never seen it all the way through. Yeah, this one I've actually seen :laughing: - over and over and over in high school (edit: or I guess college, since it came out the year I graduated from HS). Love it.

Yippee ka ya yay motherfuckers.
I also watched Pacific Rim. Two hours of pure mindless drivel but the special effects were top notch.
MatthewB said:
I also watched Pacific Rim. Two hours of pure mindless drivel but the special effects were top notch.

Exactly. Amazing eye candy. Loved the fight scenes. The rest of the movie was just a mechanism to tie the battles together. Glad I didn't blow $50 taking the family to the theater for it, but I'll probably grab a $5 UV copy if I can.
Watched The Croods and The Lone Ranger with the family this afternoon.

The Croods was a serviceable animated comedy about cavemen. It was entertaining and my youngest loved it. I'd give it three stars.

The Lone Ranger was nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be. It was campy and very over-the-top, but I thought it was fun. I may have actually enjoyed it more because I went in with such low expectations. Three stars, maybe three and a half.
PaulyT said:
Watched Die Hard tonight, wife had never seen it all the way through. Yeah, this one I've actually seen :laughing: - over and over and over in high school (edit: or I guess college, since it came out the year I graduated from HS). Love it.

Yippee ka ya yay motherfuckers.

This was my favorite Die Hard movie overall!!!! I hope Mudder enjoyed it!!!! ;)
She did, very much. We have a set of the first four of them, which we'll get around to watching soon, then I guess we'll rent/buy the latest one to complete the set. Yeah I know the later ones supposedly aren't as good... I think I've seen the second one but it was years ago and I don't remember anything.