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What Movie(s) Did You Watch Today?

Finally got around to seeing Brave - enjoyed it very much! As did the kids. Pretty good audio, too - some decent sub material. I loved the Scotch accents!

Haywood said:

Crude. Uncomfortable. Hilarious in places. Overall, not something I'm likely to watch twice.

That's how I felt as well Scott. With the cast involved, I thought it would have been way funnier. Worthy of a rental, but like you, I can't imagine seeing it again.
MatthewB said:
Just watched "The Purge" scary no but quite disturbing.

who else saw this? not bad, but not that good either.

the movie itself had a slower pace, but towards the end became pretty good.

i couldnt resist thinking too much into it afterwards, as to how 'purging' is a solution and how possible this would be.
Watched Oblivion last Friday and it was much better than I was expecting; I'm looking forward to watching it again with the wife. The wife and I watched World War Z on Saturday and Iron Man 3 tonight and again, both were better than I thought they'd be.
PaulyT said:
Finally got around to seeing Brave - enjoyed it very much! As did the kids. Pretty good audio, too - some decent sub material. I loved the Scotch accents!


Sorry I hate to be nit picky but my inlaws are Scottish. Never heard them say a " Scotch" accent. It's either Scottish or Scot's accent.
PS: For probably the first year I dated my wife I often didn't have a clue what her parent's were saying to me. Maybe that was for the better?!!!

Oh yeah, I watched a movie too!!! Hitchcock with Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren. It was entertaining.
mcad I've been to a few gtg's where after a few drinks members have perfected their "Scotch" accents. Ironically after awhile they're hard to understand also. :eek:bscene-drinkingcheers:
MatthewB said:
mcad I've been to a few gtg's where after a few drinks members have perfected their "Scotch" accents. Ironically after awhile they're hard to understand also. :eek:bscene-drinkingcheers:

Yeah, but I was sober at the time and so were they Matt. Eventually I screwed up my courage to say excuse me I didn't understand you!! It wasn't just the accent. They would through in Scotttish words like smirr and bahookie!!
Pauly just grunted and dry heaved while trying to scoop vomit up with his bare hands, so it was just like being in Scotland. :happy-smileygiantred:

I'm also sure we heard "bahookie" thru the bathroom door.
Matt - :eek:bscene-birdiedoublered:

I had an elderly woman with Scotch ancestry correct me once saying the "Scottish" wasn't really a word, only "Scotch"... Oh well. Maybe it's a dialect thing.
Watched "The Conjuring" last night. I'm wondering if your house is haunted and shit keeps moving why would you allow your small children to stay in the house? I'd be like "Fuck this shit I'm outta here".
MatthewB said:
I'm wondering if your house is haunted and shit keeps moving why would you allow your small children to stay in the house?
Otherwise they can't get the story going and good writers cost more. It's all about the business, Matt.
Watched this on Netflix last night. It is a 2008 movie so many of you may have seen it already. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe it is my absolute fear of heights makes me appreciate what mountain climbers do. Based on a true story.

^- Oh nice, I didn't even know that was out yet (yeah I'm out of touch, nothing new there). I'm really looking forward to seeing that one. One of the greatest sci-fi books/series ever.